View Full Version : terrified for going for a colposcopy!

01-10-09, 18:19
hi,im in an awful situation at the moment,it feels like im going around in circles with it,u see i suffer from severe panic & anxiety attacks and can only just get them under control as it is & now ive got to go for a colposcopy in 2 weeks time so its playing on my mind all the time now day & nite,i arent getting any sleep coz im constatly worrying about it,i just keep thinking what if they tell me something i dont want to hear & how ill cope.

01-10-09, 18:44
Just wanted to reassure you. I had a colposcopy in June 2006 just 6 weeks after having my little boy so was still a bit sore down there and I can honestly say that I am the worlds biggest Health Anxiety sufferer and it was fine. Yes it was undignified and slightly painful and if they see anything dodgy then they will probably ask you if you want them to do it there and then (which is what I did as I was so psyched up and just wanted the whole experience to be over) or whether I wanted to come back the next day and have treatment under GA. They tested the abnormal area which came back as Cin 3 which had clear margins and both smears that I've had since have come back normal.

It is worrying but also if something is wrong it is very treatable if caught early enough.

I always find Bachs Rescue Remedy always helps!
Good luck

Cell block H fan
01-10-09, 18:47
Highly unlikely honestly. Ive had it done, & it doesn't hurt either. Not even the biopsy does. They give you a local anasthetic for the biopsy. I would sooner go for a Colposcopy again anyday than something like a Mammagram or Endescope thing! Chances are you have the abnormal cells, you will possibly have to have the biopsy, then they may tell you you need Loop Diathermy or Laser treatment. Unless there is even something new out these days. The worst bit if you need that doing is having to put cream up there for a month after! In this applicator, bit like a tampon thing & no sex for a month or so either lol
Then you go back to the hospital for another Colposcopy so they can have a look, & the chances are that will be it. I had to have the treatment again because the woman missed a bit *rolleyes* but most people will only need it once. My sister only needed it done once. You will have yearly smears, & hopefully like me they will always be normal theron in. Colposcopy is a very common procedure x

02-10-09, 11:05
thanx for the msg,it makes me feel a bit better wen i know im not on my on with this,i think wots bothering me the most is not the fact if i had to have treatment done for the abnormal cells its if they ever said ive got cancer,i just wudnt be able cope if they told me that,thats wots scaring me the most.

Cell block H fan
02-10-09, 14:12
thanx for the msg,it makes me feel a bit better wen i know im not on my on with this,i think wots bothering me the most is not the fact if i had to have treatment done for the abnormal cells its if they ever said ive got cancer,i just wudnt be able cope if they told me that,thats wots scaring me the most.

I dont think anyone can help you with that, except the doctor when you get the results. Its a worrying time thats for sure. All you can do is keep reminding yourself that the majority of abnormal results turn out to just be pre cancerous changes, that could change to cancer in the next 10/20 years, if they ever do at all. And thats what the smear test is looking for after all, not full blown cancer.
It is a tough time though, I know. Good luck xxx