View Full Version : New Member

01-10-09, 19:33
Im new to this site. Felt i need to know (unfortunately) that other people experience this terrible anxiety i am having at the minute.
Im 28 and this is the 2nd bout Ive had. First started when I was 19 after my A levels then its has started again. Really thought Id left this behind but seems not?
Im starting CBT next week, had a tasted session yesterday and it was horrible!
Can anyone advise on what to expect

01-10-09, 19:37
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

I personally haven't had cbt, but i know alot of people on here have and i'm sure they will explain how it was for them.

best wishes

di xx

01-10-09, 19:39
thanks for the reply Diane.
Ive been looking at this website for a while now but didnt have the courage to join.
Its nice to hear people helping each other.
Didnt realise that so many people are suffering the same as me

01-10-09, 19:45
Hi Linzi

:welcome:, glad you decided to join, you will get lots of support here, and meet lots of nice people.
Glad you are starting cbt, soon,. as far as cbt goes, i expect it will be tough dealing with issues that are causing us problems,but it will be worth it in the long run. Hope it goes well
P x :flowers:

01-10-09, 19:50
Im kinda thinking now already that the shoe wont fit. I suppose this isnt the right attitude to go with though! I went for my first session and its was hard, i actually had a panic attack in there, I wanted to get out but didnt and stayed till the end. not the best start but I have to try something this anxiety is ruling my life
Thanks for your message, hope you are well