View Full Version : Starting the fight back from Health Anxiety..

01-10-09, 23:47
Well, today I feel that the fight back has begun. I joined a new Dr's surgery and saw my GP. He was great, very understanding, he listened and was very "up" on Health Anxiety and was even kind enough to inform me I wasn't a Hypochondriac and what the difference was. I told him about my current fear of heart issues and even though I had an ECG in March, I was still having problems calming down. He asked me about what feelings and sensations I was having. He then listened to my heart and said it sounded fine, tested my blood pressure and said it was a little high but of no concern (I do get white-coat hypertension) he has requested I have my Cholesterol tested again and also he is doing an ECG at the surgery as even though he believes my heart is fine, he wants to check personally that nothing was missed and will arrange a 24 hour test if there is anything on the standard test.....it's funny, he is being very reassuring to the point I thought "gosh you are going overboard here!!" but I think the reassurance will be good (as long as there is nothing horrid there and my heart is actually ok)

I also have booked myself an appointment to see the smoking cessation nurse next week.

The GP also arranged for me to have short term counselling to help me but also feels that 15 years of Health Anxiety has become part of me, a big part. So after many years of requesting (different Dr's) he is referring me to a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist to help me get my life back, it may take 9 months to get an appointment, the short term counselling is to help fill this period.........How good a Dr is he!!!

Gym membership next week after the ECG and joining a weight-watchers class too!!!!

Just wanted to write this, I guess for me to have a record of where I am starting from and my route out of HA. hopefully some of you will get some inspiration or reassurance that we can all beat this, its all small steps but the longest journey has to start somewhere.

Love and peace to all my fellow sufferers and I look forward to hearing some of your stories of getting better, I need to read some positive stories at the moment.

02-10-09, 01:24
Hi, Im so happy for you. Your new Doc sounds amazing. Please make sure you post updates. I am very interested to see how your therapy goes as I know I should be doing the same thing but always put it off. Good on you for fighting this battle. You yourself are an inspiration. Adelle.:hugs:

02-10-09, 01:30
Well, today I feel that the fight back has begun. I joined a new Dr's surgery and saw my GP. He was great, very understanding, he listened and was very "up" on Health Anxiety and was even kind enough to inform me I wasn't a Hypochondriac and what the difference was. I told him about my current fear of heart issues and even though I had an ECG in March, I was still having problems calming down. He asked me about what feelings and sensations I was having. He then listened to my heart and said it sounded fine, tested my blood pressure and said it was a little high but of no concern (I do get white-coat hypertension) he has requested I have my Cholesterol tested again and also he is doing an ECG at the surgery as even though he believes my heart is fine, he wants to check personally that nothing was missed and will arrange a 24 hour test if there is anything on the standard test.....it's funny, he is being very reassuring to the point I thought "gosh you are going overboard here!!" but I think the reassurance will be good (as long as there is nothing horrid there and my heart is actually ok)

I also have booked myself an appointment to see the smoking cessation nurse next week.

The GP also arranged for me to have short term counselling to help me but also feels that 15 years of Health Anxiety has become part of me, a big part. So after many years of requesting (different Dr's) he is referring me to a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist to help me get my life back, it may take 9 months to get an appointment, the short term counselling is to help fill this period.........How good a Dr is he!!!

Gym membership next week after the ECG and joining a weight-watchers class too!!!!

Just wanted to write this, I guess for me to have a record of where I am starting from and my route out of HA. hopefully some of you will get some inspiration or reassurance that we can all beat this, its all small steps but the longest journey has to start somewhere.

Love and peace to all my fellow sufferers and I look forward to hearing some of your stories of getting better, I need to read some positive stories at the moment.
hello glad 2 ear u have found a reassuring doc who wil take time 2 reassure u, my gp is a load ov wxxx even tho i have real health anxiety probs he rushes me outa surgery cos he is running 30 mins l8 to**er . good luck on ur recovery :yahoo:

02-10-09, 08:01
Thanks for those comments, it's nice to get support and I am willing to advise anyone or support them, either here or via private message. After years or some severe Health Anxiety I have tried loads of things, but now it has to happen, I need a life.

Adelle thanks for the message and I will surely keep you posted on what is happening with the counselling, Please find it in yourself to start your own recovery and take those steps forward.

Harry, GP's can be hit and miss. Don't feel unable to challenge your GP about his attitude towards you, I remember reading on my notes a DR writing "is a hypochondriac", I immediately told him to take it off and that I wasn't happy he was labeling me in such a negative way. Ultimately mate, I think you should find another GP if there is another one near you, a good Dr is needed if you are ever going to get reassurance or help to recover from your Health Anxiety. I would have a look at other surgeries around and see if anyone is taking on patients, if they aren't book in with yours and discuss his attitude towards you. Your mental health is as much apart of your health as any physical part. Here if you need any support Harry.

02-10-09, 12:23
Hi there
I have only just joined this site but suffer from chronic health anxiety, I have always been a sufferer of OCD to an extent, but it's got a lot worse since my wife. I've had a few dates/flings since she died, which I realise were out of loneliness, and it's sparked a major panic about sexually transmitted diseases. What can I say? I have started with a CBT therapist, and it's bloody expensive, but i have to find the money. From what I understand of health anxiety, I can say....

* Sufferers have very black and white thinking, we assume 100% we have the worst possible diagnosis
* It's one of the hardest forms of OCD to treat, so you have to work hard at therapy
* You have to distract yourself. Exercise DOES release endorphins that make you feel better, so never use Health Anxiety as an excuse not to do things
* Keep busy - the mind can only focus on one thing at a time
* Use health anxiety as an opportunity to come to terms with death and illness. We ARE ALL going to get ill one day and die. So by accepting death we can learn to enjoy and appreciate life more. It's very hard though.
* Keep off health websites, they will drive you mad. Having a 'risk factor' for cancer does not mean you will definitely get it. Alcohol is officially a cancer causing substance, but does everyone stop drinking? And realise that in a medical story, a three fold increase of a small risk is still only a small risk!
* Use the time you spend on these sites reading good books - one of my favourites at the moment is Embracing Uncertainty by Susan Jeffers, you can buy it off Amazon. She's survived breast cancer so knows what she is talking about

Good luck!

02-10-09, 12:24
Sorry forgot to say, my OCD/health anxiety has got a lot worse since my wife died of cancer - an obvious trigger. I'm left with three kids to bring up

02-10-09, 16:32
Thanks for the addition to the thread WestofEngland. You have added some good points that I hadn't known so I will start trying some of them before I get my counselling started, like the distraction and I do intend to start swimming before work as soon as the Dr gives me the ECG results. I did use the gym alot last year so I assume that if there was something wrong with my heart then frankly an hour on the treadmill wouldnt have been possible!!
I am very sorry to hear about your loss and I can imagine how the grief must have set your HA off again. I am pleased to hear you are having CBT and help to work through the condition. I am looking forward to getting my life back and I can imagine it is hard work. Your children are fortunate to have such a good Dad , you have made me realise that my "problems" are no worse than others and I hope you will keep me updated on how you are getting on with your recovery. Best wishes mate.

02-10-09, 17:30
Yeah, I think you are right about the treadmill :) I have started seeing a counsellor and started martial arts again, so hopefully something positive will come out of all this. I am certainly not a number one Dad, and have taken my HA stress out on my kids, which is awful. That is one of the reasons I want to deal with it. We all have to die of something, and we can't control it, so let's try to control the things we can and learn to live day by day, rather than obsessing about the future.

02-10-09, 17:39
I am glad you are taking those steps forward mate and doing positive things to get your life back. We all take stress out on those we care about, but the thing that makes you a good Dad is that you recognise it and are trying to resolve it so that your children have their Dad back. The future isn't anyone's to know, I guess thats supposed to be the joy of the unexpected, so stay in the moment, as you miss them when they have gone, you never miss what you dont know.

02-10-09, 19:39
Sounds so positive and I'm glad you have reached this turning point, and great to have an understanding doctor. I think one of the things us health anxiety sufferers lack is trust in our medical providers and it is great that you have got off to a good start. Good luck in everything and well done on your achievement.