View Full Version : Someone please help?

02-10-09, 00:16
Im 17 and ive suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for almost a year now, everytime i have one ( Which is nearly everyday) I convince my self im dying and insist that i go to the emergency room as i believe im having a heart attack or stroke lol Everytime after numerous ECGS and urine samples i get told im fit and healthy but i find this very hard to believe and just contiune to convince myself im dying. Its ruining my evreyday life as now i scared to go out with friends or go to college as im scared ill have a panic attack. I dont even know whats causing them as i feel quite happy (when im not having an attack).

Any help will be much appreciated x

02-10-09, 00:31
Hi Amy,sorry to hear you are a victim of this panic as well as me.I have battled anxiety all my life I think and have had some really crappy panic attacks but you can overcome them and reading some of Dr Clare Weekes books on therapy and dealing with all aspects of anxiety and panic will help.I heard of them whilst been on here and my husband bought them off Amazon which is a brilliant site for buying books at reduced cost,this webiste also sell them in the No Panic shop.They are really good and well worth the money,I didn't think they would help me but I have read them many many times and sometimes re-read over and over again when my anxiety hits and you do learn to remember her words and apply them to everyday situations to get yourself through.Remember panic feeds panic and if you have apnic attack your subconcious mind will think you will have another one if you visit the same place you had the original attack or do the same thing,you have to learn how to accept the feelings,not to fight them and just know you will get through it. I hope you find some relief.xx

02-10-09, 00:45
thanks for the reply! I was looking at some anxiety books yesterday actually i was going to buy one but just thought it wouldnt be no use or help, but i think ill give it a try. When you first started having panic attacks was you convinced you were dying or something terrible was going to happen? Because some of the symptoms i have arent symptoms of a panic attack. Is it possible to ever overcome panic attacks for good? Sorry about all the questions im just curious. And also do you think it would be a good idea to go see a psychiatrist?

02-10-09, 09:55

I dont think everyone has just 'text book' panic attacks. I have had the usual symptoms but also some really odd ones which have lead to me to have brain scans, heart scans etc!

Ive had my vision go a lot, my gait sometimes alters (walk like im drunk), which lead me to be reffered for a brain scan to check for MS. That came back clear. I had to wear a heart monitor for a week because of the erratic rhythm of my heart. Ive lost the swallow reflux before now. Almost like i 'forget' how to swallow!

Tingling nose, numb face, severe neckache (where i tense up). Slurred speech!

I think everyones panic attacks are different.. and yep every single one i have - whether it be mild or severe convinces me im going to die or something bad is going to happen.

Good luck... Counselling doesnt always work for some, however I found it good for helping restore positive thinking!! Panic and anxiety feeds of negative thoughts so it is important to try and remain as positive as you can, however I know that is easier said than done :wacko:

02-10-09, 11:26
there is a list of symptoms.
you know you convince your self your dying what you need to do is change your thoughts and challenge them.
your not going to die you are experiencing a panic attack.
i know the symptoms convince you other wise and you do really feel ill, anxiety and panic can really make you feel that ill.
so maybe if you know the symptoms you may be able to calm yourself down.
have you received any counselling?
when you panic try breathing into a paper bag.
write down ALL your symptoms, feelings, thoughts.
it helps you get a clearer view on whats going on and it will help you see that your being irrational, i mean this in a nice way.
i do it all the time, i write down everything and i find reading it helps calm me as i realize I'm not dying or going crazy I'm just experiencing anxiety and panic

02-10-09, 21:15
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