View Full Version : Trembling constantly.

Desprate Dan
02-10-09, 05:17
Please could you help me, i suffer from Anxiety or thats at least what the doctor has told me as i still dont fully understand what Anxiety is.:unsure:

I have been having good and bad days, yesturday i felt great, this morning i really havent decieded how i feel, but one thing which is concerning me is i seem to have developed this constant trembling does anyone else get this???

Even on the good days i have a inner nervous trembling feeling, cant feel it if i am really busy or active doing something but the moment i stop and relax i feel this trembling..:weep:

It seems to happen or at least i notice it a lot more when eating for some reason, sat having lunch with friends at work when i am holding a sandwich in my hand i feel my trembling, and others noticed and said are you okay, you seem to be shaking..:scared15: OMG..

When laying in bed its also very bad i sense this all over nervousness and inner trembling sensation.

Does anyone else get this as an Anxiety symptom, i am currently on 20mg Citalopram, but i dont really know if they are helping or not..:unsure:

I would really appreciate your thoughts.:)


Desprate Dan

02-10-09, 08:25
i'm exactly the same dan, it's horrible isn't it?

Try not yo worry about it tho, it'll only make you worse, the meds take a good few weeks to work i've been told.

Desprate Dan
02-10-09, 08:47
i'm exactly the same dan, it's horrible isn't it?

Try not yo worry about it tho, it'll only make you worse, the meds take a good few weeks to work i've been told.

Thanks Gaz, I just cant help thinking it is something other than Anxiety, it cant be the med's i have been on Citalopram 6 months now.....:wacko:

This is one of the symptoms i had before i started to take citalopram and after a while it eased, but now its back, can you get immune to your Anti D's it feels like they arn't helping anymore, but again maybe they are and god knows what state i would be in if i wasnt on them......

So confused...:unsure:


02-10-09, 08:59
i dunno about the meds dan, don't take any myself except diazepam on bad days, maybe you just need a stronger dose.

I have heard it takes a while to find the right meds tho.

Desprate Dan
03-10-09, 07:56
I have been feeling fine the last couple of days apart from this inner nervousness and trembling sensation, does your Diazepam stop the trembling, i havent heard of it before is it an Antidepresant??

Please help there must me more people who suffer from trembling, please tell me its just Anxiety and not something like Parkinsons.....



03-10-09, 08:19
Hiya Dan

I was put on Propranol for my shakes. I used to lie in bed at night and shake like I was cold. Somedays I used to go in the bath to see if it would ease it but it would'nt. When I am busy it fades but when I was still it would return. The beta blockers where very good at getting rid of the physical symptoms.

I do not suffer now. The doctor said it was down to excess adrenalin in my system. He also said start doing moderate exercise to burn off the adrenalin. He did say keep away from high intensity as this can bring on panic.

Take Care. You will get better!!!!


03-10-09, 09:33
Sorry to hear you are suffering.
I'm like Meewah on this one. I was given propanolol (beta blocker) as I couldnt stop shaking/shivering due to anxiety/painc.

It calms down/stops adrenalin getting to certain parts of the body (so i understand).
They definately stopped it for me and calmed extreme panic attacks. I was weaned off them after couple of months and the shaking has stopped.

agent orange
04-10-09, 10:41
Dan this is quite normal with anxiety, i have had this same thing for years now, it comes and goes and comes and goes, but nothing to worry about at all.

06-10-09, 12:01
Yup, i get it and from reading the symptoms list and past posts i was assured it was nervous tension built up. Us people are on heightened states 24/7 so what do you think happens over time? Your body tenses so much that naturally it has no other option but to shake! Just breathe, drop those hunched shoulders and move on. Pay no attention to it and you will soon find it goes away!