View Full Version : My boobs and I !!!

02-10-09, 09:43
Can someone please tell me why i always have to poke and prod my boob every 2 and a half minutes??!!??

I think i have this lump, which let me first say i know FULL WELL it isnt a lump, its just a fatty bit of tissue thats been there for years. I know its been there years because about 8 or 9 yrs ago i thought i found another lump and even though the doc assured me it was just a ridge of fatty tissue, i went to have an ultrasound anyway to cure my fears. they too, found nothing and i was happy. i remember getting home from there and had one last feel of my lump that wasnt a lump, lol, all happy and ready to get on with my life and thats when i found this fatty lump bit next to it. i call it a fatty lump because thats really how it is. anyway at the time when i felt that, i didnt care too much because i had just been to the hospital so if it were a problem it would of been seen since it was right by the other lump that wasnt a lump to begin with.:D

over the years, i purposly avoided that part of my boob if i was having any kind of HA because i knew that if i felt it that i would of gone into one again. that was until a few days back when i innocently felt it in detail. it feels exactly the same as it did but for no reason whatsoever, my HA came back with full force and all sorts went running through my head. i poked, i prodded, i pinched, i cried and i laughed at myself because i KNEW that it was and always has been a part of my boob...

but, something makes me continue to prod it and poke and feel. today i must of already felt it 40 times. its almost like, i feel i HAVE to do it continually. when i feel it, i feel better for those few seconds ( obviously because i remind myself that it IS just a part of my boob) but then straight after, i feel i have to do it again. if it doesnt feel the way it felt the last time i did it (ie if i feel it at a different angle or something stupid), i panic and so i feel it again until it resembles how it felt the first time....and so on...:wacko:

im trying to stop myself from touching it for the rest of the day, i dont know if ill be able to though. i guess its like, even though i know deep down that its a part of me and my boob is perfectly okay, the moment im not feeling it, my mind is imagining this rock hard lump is eating away at me, even though its not rock hard and its definitley NOT EATING!!!! arrgghhhhhhh :mad:

so after all that rambling, my question is this...im feeling a fatty bit of tissue that ive had for years, but my mind tells me its a rock hard cancerous lump...does anyone else have that or im just way too weird to be here?? :unsure: its driving me loopy

Cell block H fan
02-10-09, 10:24
Good for you actually checking them! I'm too chicken to do that these days, although I am aware thats dangerous. And will be talking to the nurse about it when I go for a pap test in a couple of weeks.
Boobs are very individual. Thats why its best to only check them every month, sometime after your period is finished apparently. Once you have learnt how yours feel, which it sounds like you have, as long as nothing changes from the way they have been all those years, they are fine.

05-10-09, 20:32
You and me both! I am just the same. Well, I am worse than you, but I do understand, I really do. I have MASSIVE HA about my breasts....... Like you, I've had them scanned and checked so many times, and never has anything sinister shown up (yet!!) and yet I have to poke them a million times a day and keep imagining these horrible lumps and when I feel I have to feel a hundred times because straight afterwards I think perhaps I didn't feel it properly, or if I feel at a different angle it will feel different. And one day I'll feel a 'lump' and it will feel innocent and another day it will feel extremely sinister.... and i'll have to poke and poke until I decide it feels innocent again. I know my breasts back to front and yet my interpretation of whats always been there changes minute by minute... Exhausting! Currently having a course of CBT for this problem..... hope it works! xx

06-10-09, 06:00
Omg you sound just like me! I check them constantly too. Its habitual, and I am trying to reassure myself that what I feel is nothing, and sometimes when i feel it I am reassured, other times I am not. All my breast lumps have been benign and related to nursing. HTH :)