View Full Version : brain tumor

02-10-09, 10:41
i have suffered with headaches on and off for a long time but i have had one now for a week and i have also had a what i can only describe as a odd smell sensation in my nose witch comes and goes i have had a bad cold about 2 weeks ago with very bad congestion and ear problems. i am very worried that i have a brain tumor my anxiety levels have been ok for a while but they are now rising again and i slight blurred vision witch again i have suffered with before please help.

02-10-09, 11:12
i have suffered with headaches on and off for a long time but i have had one now for a week and i have also had a what i can only describe as a odd smell sensation in my nose witch comes and goes i have had a bad cold about 2 weeks ago with very bad congestion and ear problems. i am very worried that i have a brain tumor my anxiety levels have been ok for a while but they are now rising again and i slight blurred vision witch again i have suffered with before please help.

Hi Toria

Sounds totally like symtomps just left over from your cold. 2 weeks is absolutely nothing like the time it takes me to get rid of all cold symptoms, and everyone i know would say the same. My sister in law has congestion and headahces after a cold for weeks on end. Stress and colds have that effect together. I get an odd nose smell too when my nose feels really dry, ususally after a cold and definate;y when im super stressed!

Blurred vision....everyone with anxiety gets this... totally normal with anxiety sufferers its all part of the fight/ flight response.

Your anxiety is just picking on you just now. Your probably a bit runned down after your cold and this is allowing your anxiety to flare a bit. Im really anxious just now and im thinking 'big problems' in the same way you are, its just out thoughts though, its the way we are feeling


02-10-09, 11:17
to lisa

thankyou for your reply it puts your mind at ease when other people
understand thanks again.
toria xxxx

anx mum
02-10-09, 11:41
Hi toria dont know if u have read my threads but i have had a constant headache for 7 weeks now im an anxious person anyway so really can understand how u feel its awful.