View Full Version : Tingling in chest?

02-10-09, 11:41
Hello :)

i have had pins and needles before with my anxiety in my legs, arms, face, back, it used to be bad but hardly experience them now.

The last few nights when i have been going to sleep i have noticed a tingling in the middle of my chest/right breast and on the side of my body where i lay, its scaring me abit and have to sleep on my front for it not to happen.

I can feel it tingling now even (but i think thats because im concentrating on it)

the last few months have been pretty hellish for me my anxiety has been sky high but a bit better the past week, and i usually find that symptoms like this come as a aftermath.

I have never before heard of anyone get tingling in their chest area and this is why im concerned.

Also i have been going to the gym and the last time i went i did a arm/chest machine, im wondering if this could also possible be a cause as i didnt experience this before.

I would be grateful if anyone could advise of they have ever had this symptom :)

thanks xx

02-10-09, 13:29
Hi Meg,

Sounds to me like you've given a muscle a bigger workout than normal. I often do a lot of exercise but I do it in spells. I normally go for 3/4 months where I exercise 2/3 times a week and then I skip a few months before starting the process all over again. And when I start up again I get that tingling or tight feeling when I start exercising a muscle. The shock puts the muscle in repair mode which is why we have the tingling feelings.

Hope that helps


02-10-09, 13:53
Ahhh it could be luke! i avoided chest machines in the pasty because it was making my chest feel a bit funny, but i went on a machine i havnt been on before that i thought was for your arms but i think it was for your chest aswell, it would make sense, i will try not to worry about it, i will avoid that machine for now and hopefully it should go away.

Thanks :) xx