View Full Version : Scared

31-10-05, 08:03
Hi all
I have had a really intense pain underneath my left breast area for the last 3 days.It sometimes goes round my side and to the same position on my back.When i had it last night my left arm when really weak too.
I have had no sleep at all and im really scared.
Also i went out at weekend(wish i hadnt pushed myself now)and got VERY drunk,was sick all day yesterday and my heart was racing whilst i was drinking too
Im terrified ive done damage and im going to keel over
Please help
Hunny x

31-10-05, 08:17
I get use get the chest pain as kid and my dr said it was wind but it thinking back now it could have easilt have been my anxiety. Stressing about will not help it go away. If it were a heart condition it would have got so bad and made you feel so ill that would have called an ambulance by now. You would in so much pain that you would be able to move with out making it really worse.

Alcohole will increase your heart rate and that is why thay advice you dont drink when you have anxiety. Caffine will increase your heart rate as well so you should avoid that as well.

You wont do damage in one night of drinking and I'm sure if you felt bad alround with pain and dizziness and arm pain ect you would have called an ambulance and if you feel it's that's painfull then going to you dr is your best option it really is. If you find you cant breath with the pain the seeking help is adviceable as well.

31-10-05, 14:06
Hi Hunny,
sorry you are feeling so bad right now, all this going out you are doing is putting me to shame!!!! If it were your heart you would certainly know about it by now. You said you were sick yesterday, all the different muscles you were using will now hurt, don't be scared, drink loads of water, definately eat something and rest!!!!That's an order. We are all entitled to go out and enjoy ourselves, yes, we may suffer the next day, but so long as we had fun, and it's not every night, then that should be fine, you will feel loads better tomorrow. take care and keep in touch.

31-10-05, 15:00
If you were going to keel over it would have happened by now so 2 paracetamol, a banana or other nurtrional food, water and a brisk walk will help get over this bout..

Glad you had a great night out.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-10-05, 15:14
Hi all
I forced myself to even though i didnt feel up to it.I think sometimes you have to JFDI!!
My chest pain was there before i went out,it went away and then came back with a vengeance when i was out(the pain actually wasnt my chest but as i said under left breast)It is so intense when it happens.Could it be heart pain Meg?
Hunny x

31-10-05, 21:04
hunny didnt you get a bunch of heart tests? I remember you telling us you saw the doctor many times and got alot of tests done. If you already got your heart checked out and they said nothing is wrong with it why do you think its your heart still?

april tones
31-10-05, 22:00
hi hunny. i have just done some posts similar to this. i have had similar after alcohol night. think its the alcohol making you feel anxious next day especiually if not used to it. its overbreathing causing chest pain, i had other week! hope i have reassure you!XX


02-11-05, 09:25

I know i am really getting on peoples nerves but i cant help the way i feel physically.I have offered advice to people when i have felt i may have something useful to say but obviously most of the time recently i have been looking for advice.
I am scared that i will have a heart attack for good reason that i will not go into, but made me think the worst when i was told i had a heart murmur.
Yes,i was given heart tests in June,and ,no,i done think i have a heart defect,its just that i feel so much pain in my chest that i cannot believe this is anxiety or muscular pain.
My Dr says i am low risk for a heart attack,but i find it difficult to be reassured when i have this much pain.
Sorry all
Hunny xx

13-11-05, 23:25

i get this really bad pain under my left breast too, its awful and its like a squeezing feeling - not like the muscular soreness i get in the rest of my chest and it can last ages. this pain can sometimes be felt in my back and i get numbness in my left arm, shoulder and leg too with it. i know how worrying it is and i have had all the heart tests done too recently and told there isnt a problem (even though i was convinced this pain was angina or something) anyway, just wanted to let you know that i feel for you on this one cos i've had chest pains for about 3 months now varying in intensity and its especially hard to believe that its not cardio related when the feelings change, i.e. from the muscular type to the squeezing type; but you need (like i do) to have some trust in the medics and belive that if there was a problem then they would have found it by now

hope you feel better soon, linz