View Full Version : Pinchy, cold feeling in my bumcheek

02-10-09, 16:19
Hi all, me again. Recently I have started to get a very sore pinchy pain in the top of my right bumcheek when I sit down and lean forwards or, more recently, if I have been stood in a certain way.
It's very uncomfortable and the only way I can describe the pain is, it feels like someone is pinching a very small area of muscle with VERY cold fingers. It also feels like I am being poked with a few pins and needles (although it is nothing like the usual pins and needles feeling, it's painful rather then uncomfortable.) Any ideas on what this might be and how I can tackle it? I've been using a crutch because of a bad knee, could this be the cause of the pain?
Thanks. x

02-10-09, 16:34
hi, this sounds very much like the pain i get now and again, Dr said its sciatica.. a trapped nerve.
Just advised to take painkillers.
Hope you feel better soon

02-10-09, 16:40
The crutch could cause the pain as your posture maybe altered, therefore putting your back into a uncomfortable position. As above it could also be Sciatica, which isn't serious its just painful and does pass, although while using the crutch it may keep it going for a while. Take some painkillers and gentle stretches (as long as it wont hurt your knee) to help any tension in the muscle. hope that helps.

03-10-09, 00:10
Oh, this is soooooo strange!

I tore some ligaments in my leg a couple of years ago, and was on crutches for about 6 weeks - and I had that strange bum pain too!

It is down to change of posture - nothing to worry about at all, but not pleasant, huh?