View Full Version : Heart burn, shoulder blade pain and horrible tasting belches

02-10-09, 19:31
I have suffered from HA for years. I have also been diagnosed with GERD and IBS. For the last few weeks I have had increasingly worse heartburn and I am now taking prilosec twice daily. It helps but doesn't stop it. I have also been having lots of pain around my left shoulder blade. Today, on an empty stomach I was belching with this horrible taste in my mouth. I keep thinking it is the taste of blood and that I am bleeing internally and it must be a tumor or a bleeding ulcer. The only thing that is keeping me out of the ER is my hope that this is either just a bad taste from having an empty stomach or perhaps it is bleeding but it is just irratation from the GERD. Last week I had a complete blood work up and they found nothing wrong. I am really worried and could use some assurance.

02-10-09, 19:43
Your bloods were fine hun. I have stomach problems as well and I know how uncomfortable they are. Burping with acidity can cause unpleasant taste and if you had anything worrying going on I'm sure you would be having more symptoms and that you would be feeling really unwell. I think that's what a lot of us forget. We anticipate the worst which gets us wound up but if we were seriously ill there is no doubt we would know it. take care hope ive provided some kind of reassurance

02-10-09, 20:11

I really appreciate your level headed opinion. I hope you are right about my symptoms. Does your GERD ever get worse for no apparent reason? Does anyones?


02-10-09, 20:58
Sorry to keep reposting but I am very worried about this and as many of you know, once something starts the anxiety spiral, waiting is not something we can do well. Anyway, if anyone can relate or has words of encouragement, I would be very thankful.

02-10-09, 22:29
Have you had a test for Helicobacter Pylori? I had one last year and tested positive so the doctor gave me a cocktail of antibiotics and two omeprazole capsules a day for a week and I was fine a few weeks afterwards.

03-10-09, 09:47
I get chest pain which disturbs the heck out of me but I'm sure it's coming from my stomach problems as it's not typical of anything else. I take omeprazole and spoke with GP yesterday who told me to double that up for a few weeks. I know it's so hard when you get stuck in that spiral of anxiety but I remind myself as I said to you that if it was something very serious I would be very ill. Keep in touch with your GP, and try to see her/him at regular intervals, helps to maintain more stability. take care hun

04-12-09, 21:21
Hi there, wondered if I could pick your brain!
I'm currently being tested for Helicobacter Pylori, you say your symptoms passed a few weeks after finishing treatment? What were your symptoms please? I have a feeling of food stuck in my throat, and have been told it's Globus, which is the most uncomfortable and upsetting feeling, did u experience this at all?