View Full Version : So frightened

31-10-05, 09:34
Been doing so well lately since practising Megs tapes really getting my anxiety under control and feel loads better in the mornings until this morning, always get up at 6am while hubby is showering and make a cuppa then go back for an hour and relax do breathing and have a little read. Come down ok this morning then got somme pains in centre of my chest thought Oh no, they went then got a big pain as i turned then panic set in, went back upstairs thought i would handle the feelings like i usually do, put my tape on and did some breathing but panic overtook and had a massive panic attack got just about every symptom possible got up and come downstairs and calmed myself coming on here for a bit, now chest feels sore and i feel sick and bloated and very uneasy waiting for the dreaded heart attack to come ( my biggest fear ) so disappointed in myself for not being able to control my fear before it went into such panic. Didnt help being on my own i suppose

Love Barb xxxxx

31-10-05, 09:43
Hi Barb

Please don't try to think into this too deeply. I almost fell into that trap this morning too . Today has been my worst morning for a long time (shakey etc) and I almost believed that I had gone back to square one, but I know I haven't (have to keep saying that to myself!!). Its just one of those things that are sent to try us. I had a bath, had a bit of a cry and then got in the car and took my daughter to Tesco. I'm now on my way to swimming and then when we get back from there we are going bike riding. Brooding over it will only make matters worse Barb as I'm sure you know. Carry on doing exactly as you have been - you're doing great!

I think that the clocks going back affected me too - sounds silly I know but I woke really early this morning which gave me far too long to 'think' before actually getting out of bed!

Unfortunately this is just one of those things that we need to go through in order to achieve full recovery.

Onwards & Upwards!

Take care of yourself

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

31-10-05, 09:52
Hi Barb,

Try not to worry mate - we are going get blips even when we are doing well.

Don't give it any major importance and it will fade into the background.

love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-10-05, 11:46
Hi Barb,
Sorry to hear you are not too good this morning. Chin Up !! I have felt a bit down this week, but I feel that I am on the up again. Just come back from Yoga. Still enjoying it. The last 6 weeks have flown by. We are half way through the course now.
Speak to you soon.
Best Wishes
Jenny xx

J. Farmer

31-10-05, 12:15
Hi Barb,

Sorry you feel bad. Try to stay calm. It's bound to throw you off track when you have been doing well.

I hope it eases for you soon. try to distract and busy yourself this might help.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

31-10-05, 12:26
Sorry to hear that you've not had the best start to the week. Things can only get better! As Piglet says its just a blip, ignore it and remember how well you have been doing [8D] (not easy I know)

Hope things settle down soon. Take care


31-10-05, 13:43
Thanks everyone for your replys, i did keep busy not easy as i felt very wobbly, but feel much better now and have been for a little drive with my son.

Love Barb xxxx

31-10-05, 14:30
Hiya Barb

Well done for getting through it and knowing how to distract yourself and not letting it take over the whole day.

We all have moments when it gets too much and it decends into panic.. Blip..

You've done well to get beyond it and keep going. You will have the physical aftermath to deal with- can't help that , once adrenalin is surging , it takes time to work its way ouit and your muscles will groan and complain.

I think you did really well in comparison to a few months ago .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-10-05, 14:33
Well done Barb! You did good!

Just keep remembering what your daughter said to you - that will give you the strength each time to pick yourself up. Don't get me wrong - I know its hard but its what we've got to do to get through this. And get through it we will!

Take care and PM me whenever you feel like it ok.

Take care

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

april tones
31-10-05, 21:26
hi barb. dont be dissapoonted in your self! it was one. think well one caught you out! easily done by physical symptoms and forget about it. it shouldnt happen if yoiu do that and be positive. easy said than done i know! xx
