View Full Version : hope?

02-10-09, 21:50
Can you overcome panic attacks and never have them again or am i facing my whole life trying to cope with them?

02-10-09, 22:02
Post removed by author

Veronica H
02-10-09, 22:24
:) Since we generate the panic, then yes we can control it. I know that this seems impossible when panic attacks first appear but this does get better. If you have not yet read it, I can recommend Dr Claire Weekes book 'Self Help For Your Nerves'. This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a fellow sufferer, and her work really explains what is happening to us and shows the way to recovery.


02-10-09, 23:41
hello i av had 1 previous bout of anxiety and panick attacks and always hoped they would never return but, they have worse than ever but i am just in the mood now 2 say 2 myself its happened b4 i know wat they are and start telling it get outa my life and leave alone, i know i wont be able 2 do that wen i,m having 1 but i av 2 start i hate it and i aint taking any ov that mind bending meds 2 help me nietha scared ov them so lets start living life again :winks:

02-10-09, 23:51
Its not easy but you Can do it, I've done it myself once before, the only reason i ended up like this again is because I dropped myself back into a stressful life again.

03-10-09, 02:32
I've not had one for around 10 years now so if I can do it, so can you!...and I KNOW you can get better once you learn the causes and how to overcome them so Never give up on HOPE because while you keep hope, HOPE will Never give up on You!...and it will help to see you through!:hugs:

03-10-09, 02:45
Its not easy but you Can do it, I've done it myself once before, the only reason i ended up like this again is because I dropped myself back into a stressful life again.

You cant keep running away from stress. Life is stress!! You can however reduce certain stresses. The problem is you cannot reduce certain stresses like the ones that creep up on you on a Sunday evening. Family stress, stress of ill relatives etc... No one can escape this. Learn to accept the stress as a part of your life and that it will come and go. The problem seems to be that as we get older so do our parents and uncles and aunts and siblings and they also become ill and suffer and this is all part of lifes predictable path. Accept this and you can get on with life again.


03-10-09, 03:21
Keep that hope, if you don't have that, you have nothing. Hope will keep you on your toes and never ever give in!:winks:


03-10-09, 09:51
Yes you can live a life without panic attacks ,i have done although now my anxiety is back i know it is possible to beat it ...for me anxiety always return when i have something that bothers me inside but that my mind is not dealing with .. So until i find what it is that i have to changd about my life i will have high levels of anxiety ...hope you too will find your personal way to overcome this .ps i have also read clare weekes book they r brilliant