View Full Version : NAUSEA,,,6weeks,,,TOO LONG,,,ANYONE ELSE? maybe stomach cancer!!!!!

03-10-09, 03:08
:weep: I've been to the hospital 3 times, they took blood work every time, they sent me home with a perscription every time but the don't work, i'm still nauseous. The nausea has changed,,,sometimes its worse than others and there was one week that it progressively got better and 2 days no nausea at all. What should i do when the hospital can't find the cause and no one else can either? I've went to 3 different hospitals just to see if someone would have a different idea but they haven't. Now i'm sure it must be stomach cancer right? Anything else i could get my dr to check into? I've lost so much weight and i can't afford to lose anymore. I even tried to get myself commited into a psych ward but they wouldn't take me cuz i didn't wanna kill myself or someone else. WHAT DO I DO? I'M LOSING IT!!!:weep: :weep:

Cell block H fan
03-10-09, 05:37
I dont get it, they wouldn't take you because you didn't wanna kill yourself or others? That bit doesn't make sense.
How horrible though, to always feel sick. Well, my ex father in law died of stomach cancer, & feeling sick wasn't one of the symptoms, & he had symptoms for many months before he was diagnosed. So I woldn't be putting my money on it being that.
I used to feel sick every morning, that went on for a few months, I knew I wasn't pregnant, so I put it down to stress. Have had episodes of that repeating itself over the years & have come to the conclsion its anxiety.
Could yours be stress too? Is it like a queasy feeling? I used to have to force myself to eat something, but sometimes that did the trick for a while.

03-10-09, 08:29
Hi there I get a lot of neausea
mine is first thing in a morning do you suffer from IBS only that can cause you to be nausea have you tried ginger tablets they are supposed to help.
It does start to get you down

Regards Joan

03-10-09, 10:50
Nausea is a very common symptom of anxiety. I have been suffering from it everyday for over 2 and 1/2 years. I take metoclopramide which helps but I still suffer daily

03-10-09, 11:38
I have suffered bouts of - nausea and 'feeling' sick - for many years.
I was always afraid that "they" had missed something.
BUT stress and anxiety has ALways been the diagnosis.

NOW i had a different prob and was talking to the nurse at the hospital saying how bad the nausea became and she said "" I always recommend 'Sea bands (travel sickness bands) It uses the acupuncture points BUT is NON- invasive"".
I was so surprised at this that i tried the Bands (look like sweat bands used in the gym) cost £7-49 from any Chemist.

:weep: Sometimes the giddines / nausea / sickness strikes while i am just watching TV so on with the bands and it drifts away.:yesyes:

I carry them everywhere.:yesyes:
Panicagain eat small meals even crackers - cereal anything to get your weight back - I know it feels better not to eat in case you are sick BUT it works the oppposite way:blush: eat sensibly
Good luck
Best wishes

03-10-09, 11:43
helicobactor pylori?? have you been tested? I felt sicky all the time I had it .