View Full Version : another newbie saying hello

03-10-09, 05:33
Hello all,as my name suggests i'm Jay.I come from Jersey(channel islands)and am 38.
Have suffered and lived with social anxiety and depression for more than 20 years now.That sounds so long when you actually say it(err obviously because it is).I've tried prozac or fluoxetine as its called now,but found it tended to knock me out and make me moodier.Am currently trying a cbt course from a website given to me by my doctor.I realize its not ideal to do it on your own but due to my inability/reluctance to deal with people i'll try it like that just now.
I am working, but in relation to anything else in life, i have withdrawn to the point that i could only be further away if i actually disappeared.
Anyhow thats enough rambling for now
Thanks for your time and see you later

03-10-09, 06:48
Hi Jay

and :welcome:, im sure you will find this site helpful, there is lots of information and lots of support .

best wishes

Px :flowers:

03-10-09, 09:42
Hello Jay
welcome to the site
you will find lots of support here

03-10-09, 10:40
Hi Jay :welcome:

Hope you find this site as helpful and supportive as i have.

Take care

Sue :hugs:

Veronica H
03-10-09, 13:32
:welcome: Jay. Glad that you have found us. There are many others here with social anxiety so I am sure you will find the support you need.


04-10-09, 01:50
Thanks all.I've visited this site on and off for a while and finally plucked up courage to join.I'm not great even talking like this.
I see there are vast and varied experiances and i'm sure i will learn alot
Anyway thanks again