View Full Version : not coping - chest pain

03-10-09, 09:52
I keep getting chest pain below the breastbone. It doesnt last more than 20 seconds and it feels like some kind of spasm but it is very painful and I break out in a sweat as soon as I feel the pain. I do have stomach problems like GERD, Duodenitis, have had ulcer which was found as a scar on endoscopy but I can't get it out of my head that this pain is atypical angina and that I am very soon going to have a heart attack. I was at GPs yesterday, she told me to double up Omeprazole but in relation to heart pain which is my concern wasn't very reassuring. I just am stuck in the thought that I have got to wait until I have a life threatening even before any thorough testing is available to me. Can anyone advise? Much appreciated.

03-10-09, 14:19
I don't think a spasm below your breastbone is atypical of angina at all. Anything heart-related is heavy and in the centre of your chest - it's pretty unmistakable. The heart doesn't "spasm" as such - and even missed beats are felt in the throat.

These spasms are certainly muscular and are probably caused by tension. The more you focus the more it'll happen, which will cause you to focus even more. It's a vicious circle.

The fact that your doctor did not send you to hospital shows that your symptom is NOT atypical angina. It dosn't even seem to have occured to him/her. Try to feel reassured by this - they really are on the look out for cardiac related problems and don't "miss" things like that.

Remember - heart problems are NOT subtle. You would be noticeably unwell.

Sending you lots of good, relaxing thoughts, hon :)

I've just remembered that I once had something of a similar nature. A few years ago, I felt a tightening around my middle, just under my breastbone (above my waist). I described it to the doctor as having a piece of elastic round me - that felt like a spasm too. Have no idea what caused it, but it stopped soon enough, and has never returned. So weird, alarming symptoms CAN happen without there being a sinister reason :)

03-10-09, 14:28
Yes, I agree. I think it's probably even indigestion or your gerd acting up. Even if you did have angina it doesn't mean to say you'll have a heart attack! People live normal lives when their angina is controlled. My husband does. Try not to worry too much about it, it'll settle down again.

03-10-09, 16:41
thank you so much both xx take care, my anxiety is not letting me go just now, i appreciate your reassurance

03-10-09, 19:59
hj there iv had bad chest pains for months i was convinced id got heart props every day i was thinking about my heart and heart attacks it was like being on a round about i packed up going to gym and swimming. my doc booked me to have a treadmill ECG at the hospital to put my mind at rest. i was hooked up with wires everywhere i started on a slow wk then a fast wk then running they was doing ECG on my heart and taking my blood pressure all the time i was on for 15mins my bp was upto 190 this test completely put my mind at rest and guess what no more chest pain so it just goes to show it was just anxiety all along