View Full Version : Banged Head

03-10-09, 11:25
I banged my head about half hour ago. It hurt when I banged it but doesn't right now and wasn't a hard bang either. However I'm freaking out that I'll have a bleed on the brain now. I wish I could have a ratianal mind but I'm convinced I'm going to collapse at any moment. My eyes feel heavy although I've been up since 5am. Can't handle my anxiety being out of control like this (at least I hope its anxiety)

Veronica H
03-10-09, 13:29
:bighug1: yes it is anxiety. It is amazing how tough the old skull is. I went into the same routine a few weeks ago when I stood up under a shelf with a hook on it and really cracked my head. It came up in a huge bump....I am still here and I am fine (given that I am an anxious panicer that is). You must be tired given that you were up so early so i wouldn't read anything more into the heavy eyes.


03-10-09, 14:06
I have been there so many times.

Once I banged my head in a nighclub, and was still worrying about it the following evening. So much so that I called A&E. I also became terrified to sleep and made my boyfriend come and check on me while I took a nap.

OK. Facts.

If you'd caused damage, you'd know about it. You'd be vomiting and your eyes would be seriously blurred (by which I mean, not able to focus at all, not just a bit heavy feeling).

I know you're worried about delayed reactions, but this only happens with serious blows to the head. The fact that there's not even any bruise there means that you simply haven't done any damage at all. Your skull is extraordinarily thick and it's brilliant at protecting the brain. That's it's job and it's very, very good at it. It has to be - think how many times kids come off their bikes and go home with an "egg" on their forehead? If the skull was that easy to breach none of us would make it through childhood.

Time will sort this one out, guaranteed. In the meantime, be aware that the feeling of fear is your anxiety screaming at you - and deep down you probably know that.

You have my sympathy, it's a horrible fear to try and cope with, BUT I know for a FACT that if I sent you a message next week, you'd be there to receive it. FOR A FACT.
