View Full Version : Sat here in tears

anx mum
03-10-09, 12:14
So fed up feel like ending it all:mad: still getting these headaches not coping at all. My boys r playing up fighting just cant cope with them.

03-10-09, 12:23
Hi just wanted to say i understand i'm looking after my kids this weekend,I have two boys 5 and eleven and all they do is bicker all the time,which is not helping me as i suffer from chest pains and having to tell them to give over every 2 mins is not helping.Try and be cool though as i'm sure everything will be alright.

03-10-09, 12:53
Hey there, try and stay calm, see if you can sit them in front of the telly or give them a board game, then try put your feet up and stay calm, hope your feeling better soon :-) x x

sarah jayne
03-10-09, 13:12
I know how u feel. Ive got a girl aged 9 and a boy aged 3 and all they do is argue and fight. Its different today though, my daughters been keeping my son occupied so i can rest, i think she finally realises that im not well, im really proud of her for how shes been 2day.
Have you got anyone that can look after them for a while so u can rest ? If not put a good film on the tv that they like and have a rest whilst they watch it.
Dont ever think of ending it all, no good would come of that and think of how it would effect your boys. Stay strong and try to focus on something else to take your mind of the headache. I know what your going through and im here for you if you ever need to talk xxx:hugs:

03-10-09, 13:29
you can come through this even though things are tough at the moment. Never give up on yourself your worth more than that

Cell block H fan
03-10-09, 13:42
Kids ey! Mine are 14 & 12 & geez they used to drive me insane! If you're stressed about stuff, kids just add to it! They are the most selfish little people on the planet thats for sure. When you've got a splitting head & they are screaming at each other, you just feel like no one gives a damn!
It does get a bit easier as they get older. Seems like a lifetime off I suppose, but you blink and the young years have gone really xx

anx mum
03-10-09, 14:27
thanks for your replies my partner is home now so helping out abit just feel so down and tearful

Cell block H fan
03-10-09, 15:17
thanks for your replies my partner is home now so helping out abit just feel so down and tearful
You dont suffer with pmt at all do you? That was when my HA was at its worst I noticed.

anx mum
03-10-09, 15:37
No well these headaches have been going on 7 weeks now pretty much there all the time have calmed a little since my partners bk

03-10-09, 16:44
im pleased your feeling a little calmer now. Why dont you take an hour to yourself have a nice bath listen to some calming music and see how you feel then

03-10-09, 16:50
I agree with Den, is there anywhere you can go and have a bit of me time?

I normally have a hot bubble bath and read my book. I find it so hard to be around people when my anxiety is really bad.


03-10-09, 17:39
Hi Anxious Mom
Glad that your headache has subsidded a little
I sometimes get headaches when I am anxious
Try and have some time to yourself and play some relaxation tapes
Are you at home on your own all day.
Look after yourself.
Are you on any medication at all

Regards Joan

anx mum
03-10-09, 17:57
Yeah thats what im gonna do have a hot bath and try 2 relax hard when boys r always wanting

03-10-09, 23:54
I think the fact that your headache has eased since you feel calmer proves that they are tension related and not serious. Screaming children and feeling down and stressed will certainly give most people a headache. You need to learn some relaxation techniques and take some time out away from your kids just to have some peace. Worrying about the headaches will also bring them on, if you can fully relax then you may find these go.
I had some really bad headaches and tooth aches brought on by really bad tension in my neck and back, I treated myself to a chinese massage and after I noticed no difference and thought it was rubbish....Then an hour later, it was like a switch had been flicked, all the tension dropped away and the headache went with it....treat yourself if you can to one of these.

04-10-09, 17:59
hi sweetie
ive just read your thread. Just remember we are all here for you, you are strong and brave, dont let the panic monster win, I know the headaches are really getting you down, it seems that your doctor isnt doing enough, try and get a second opinion. I think they might be stress headaches, try and put some lavender oil on your temples and wrists, this might help you relax. You have so much to live for even though it doesn't feel like it right now, you are a beautiful young women with some loveley kids. It wont always be like this I promise, you can do it. Keep on at your doctor until he/she finally does something about it. Let me know how you are doing, message me whenever you need to talk.
YOU CAN DO IT:yesyes:

anx mum
04-10-09, 18:07
thank u for ur kind words xx