View Full Version : help..fear of forgetting how to talk and understand language

03-10-09, 12:43
I have this fear that im forgetting how to understand language, and that im going to forget how to communicate to people. anyone else had this? scary as hell

03-10-09, 13:49
Yes I have this, I fear i wont be able to talk and anything i do say will sound like a load of rubbish.

03-10-09, 13:55
No - I haven't had that particular fear as such, but I can still relate to it because it stems from exactly the same place that my irrational fears stem from.

You have two "voices" in your head (we all do). The concious and the subconcious.

At some point you developed a little worry and mulled it over - the subconcious grabbed hold of it and decided to go on high alert. The subconcious is the least intelligent of the "voices". It knows nothing of logic and reason and freaks out at the slightest little thing.

Your conciousness is much more intelligent. It KNOWS there's nothing to worry about - but it's evil twin is much louder and shoutier, so that's the one you hear the most.

You'll see if you browse these forums the same thing over and over again - "I know there's nothing to worry about really....but....!" Our subconciouness is permanently at war with our conciouness. Our intelligent, rational voice is telling us not to worry, while our subconciousness is stamping around, issuing commands to the brain (tense those muscles, cause a headache, make the heart skip a beat) that it has no business making.

Acknowledge this war - but accept that it's the intelligent voice you should listen to. The intelligent voice is always right. Use it to tell that stupid, ignorant evil twin to shut the f*** up.

It's hard hon, but you will get there. I promise. Personal guarantee from me to you :)

03-10-09, 14:15
I was in a computer class learning computer graphics - i forgot my entry code.
I turned to my friend and said "" i can't remember my code" and she replied i could not understand that can you say again - :ohmy: :ohmy:
My words had NO meaning - apparently it was just gobbledygook!!!!
I just froze - i could understand her but the look on her face scared the hell out of me....
Luckily the tutor had seen this happen before and made me sweet tea while i waited for a taxi to take me to the doc. I was on meds for a month. but it was pure anxiety / stress.
For years i was / am still scared of it happening again but the doc said it was / is a common problem.
Hope this helps
best wishes

03-10-09, 14:43

What a distressing feeling to have but it does sound like pure anxiety. But you've managed to post this message without a second thought! You won't forget how to talk or understand. It's the fear of it that makes you feel so bad. You need to learn to relax and to not worry about your thoughts too much. Accept your thoughts for the moment and let them wash over you and keep calmly carrying on with what you are doing. Keep yourself busy. It's only a vivid imagination at work.

03-10-09, 15:23
Yeh man i have a phobia of stroke and i fear that aswell but it does not happen like that you still know english just dont understand sentences youl be fine man.

03-10-09, 18:06
thank ou so much for your replies people, its like im scared of my own voice and scared people wont understandf me anymorem and ill forget it all and go brain dead. horrific

13-12-12, 16:43
No - I haven't had that particular fear as such, but I can still relate to it because it stems from exactly the same place that my irrational fears stem from.

You have two "voices" in your head (we all do). The concious and the subconcious.

At some point you developed a little worry and mulled it over - the subconcious grabbed hold of it and decided to go on high alert. The subconcious is the least intelligent of the "voices". It knows nothing of logic and reason and freaks out at the slightest little thing.

Your conciousness is much more intelligent. It KNOWS there's nothing to worry about - but it's evil twin is much louder and shoutier, so that's the one you hear the most.

You'll see if you browse these forums the same thing over and over again - "I know there's nothing to worry about really....but....!" Our subconciouness is permanently at war with our conciouness. Our intelligent, rational voice is telling us not to worry, while our subconciousness is stamping around, issuing commands to the brain (tense those muscles, cause a headache, make the heart skip a beat) that it has no business making.

Acknowledge this war - but accept that it's the intelligent voice you should listen to. The intelligent voice is always right. Use it to tell that stupid, ignorant evil twin to shut the f*** up.

It's hard hon, but you will get there. I promise. Personal guarantee from me to you :)

very good advice. I also have this worry. so thanks for putting it like that its a really good way to think about it. x

13-12-12, 16:51
Yep - been there too. My brain was mush at the height of my anxiety. I fell over my words, forgot words and felt like any intelligence I did have had gone forever - believe me, there wasn't much to begin with :doh:! The thing I struggled most with was understanding people. It's like my ears were listening but my brain wasn't registering anything they said. The more I concentrated the less I understood. It was scary but just another part of anxiety.
I agree 100% with BornWorrier. You will get there - I can also give you that personal guarantee. xx

27-12-12, 20:43
I have this fear that im forgetting how to understand language, and that im going to forget how to communicate to people. anyone else had this? scary as hell

yeah, i got it after anxiety >then panic >then denationalization > then fears

some of the fears i developed were , fear i was going to for get how to do things like( walk, write, type , simple tasks etc ) ,then Understand people like language wise, or forget how to talk like (just talk blah kafjns <--)
meditation ,self hypnosis for anxiety and fears on youtube , in the END its just the anxiety ,and it sounds stupid , just negative thoughts .

let me know if u still got it , or if u got rid of it :huh: