View Full Version : All of a panic

03-10-09, 14:19
Hi Guys,

Ive recently had problem with my ears being blocked and had therm syringed etc and everything has been fine for weeks.

Ive just had a right good nblow of my nose it feels like Ive got water in my ear if i move my head suddenly or mouth my mouth in a certain way.

Im all of a panic my ear drum is going to burst! I dont have any pain or anything but its getting me all worked up!

Can anyone help??

03-10-09, 14:23
Sounds like wax or even a wee bit of congestion. I'm sure it'll soon settle down. I don't think you need to worry about your ear drum bursting. I'm sure the syringing would have sorted that out. Try not to worry and keep yourself busy and your panicking will pass.

03-10-09, 16:35
Here's a trick that always works:

Warm up some olive oil (warm not hot) and pour it into your ear. Lie on your side (that ear facing up) and after 5 mins turn over and let it dribble out. If there's wax or any other gunk in it, it'll come straight out.

Try not to worry - even looking at the worst case scenario, a burst ear drum is in no way life threatening. Kids with colds get them all the time.

BUT - I'm 100% sure this is not what's happening with you. It's almost certainly wax which is reacting with fluid.