View Full Version : Heart atack

03-10-09, 14:40
Hey guys tonight was really scary i worry about ha alot im 14 and tonight i went to aparty and drank a bit i noticed chest pain for a bit ignored it and it got worse and i started felling anxious the thoughts of googles symptoms flowing thru my head then i started felling panic my heart started racing and the pain whent into my shoulders and stuff my stomach skin was cold i got home had a asprin calmed myself down and hear i am but i had all the symptoms what should i do see a doc asap and also every time i felt my heart i herd like a bubely heart beat for 2 secs i was really scared.

03-10-09, 14:54
Hi sweetie -

What you're describing is a classic panic attack, and it's really terrifying, isn't it?

I promise you that you did not have a heart attack or "nearly" have one - you would not be here talking to us now if you did.

What happened is that you felt an ache in your chest (could have been anything) and your fear of this became overwhelming producing the symptoms you described.

The bubbly heart beats are called "ectopic beats" and nearly all of us on here get them. Do a search and see what others say and it should make you feel much better.

I'll also add that, given your age, you probably have loads and loads of hormones rushing through your system at the moment, and this can cause all sorts of weird things to happen.

If you find that your panic is becoming out of control then do see your doctor. He/she won't laugh at you and should be able to offer lots of advice.


03-10-09, 14:56
Thanks i get alot of panic about strokes and stuf im booked in for a ct scan for fear of strokes but this was so real im not joking but im still here now so idk.

03-10-09, 23:49
You are fine mate, the chest ache you felt started a panic attack and so made you feel worse. I get them quite a lot at the moment as "Heart" is my current anxiety. Try and find ways to manage your panic and see if you can get some help with your health anxiety, dont let it take over your life while you are so young. Also the ectopic beats you describe can be triggered by alcohol, doesnt mean you have anything wrong but as a stimulant they can cause this.

04-10-09, 04:02
you know when I was 15 I had a health anxiety over having a heart attack and got quite a few sharp chest pains myself since then ive smoked for 6 years(quit now though) and been a borderline alcoholic and I'm still here buddy, oh and to cap it off ive always benn slightly overweight too.

Ive only ever heard of one instance of a 15 year old having a heart attack, and he'd been shot in the chest with a nail gun

don't worry buddy you're fine, I know you'll still have doubts even having read this but you have to rationalise it and treat the emotion objectively, look at it from the outside, imagine you were someone else having a conversation with you and ask the question how often does a teenager have a heart attack? What would you respond?

Hope this helps matey.
