View Full Version : why did i google

03-10-09, 14:41
hi im new here

I'm feeling down today and done a stupid thing,i googled

i googled ms brought on by spinal injury,and they do think theres a link from trauma to the head or spine

i definitely think i have it,my symptoms are

trembling to my neck when i bend my head down and my back when i bend forward

shooting pain down my right arm

my legs feel weak and shaky

post natal drip

numbness at the top of my right leg and a burning sensation at that area too

tingling all over body mostly top of my head

every joint in my body cracks

back of right leg going into cramps

twitching in my arms and legs

blurry vision at times

surely all of these cant be anxiety

i need to build up the courage to go to the doctors,but i just cant

Cell block H fan
03-10-09, 15:14
Going_crazy, I can have all those things you mentioned if I put my mind to it. Seriously. I can have only one of those things, then google like you did, then think its connected to such & such, then start getting those symptoms & the circle continues. Ive had pains in the arms & legs, ive had dizziness when I look round to reverse the car, creaky joints especially in the knees. Jabbing pains in the limbs. Ive even got to the stage where I couldn't stop my legs shaking. At that point ive got on the phone to my sister because she is also a HA sufferer & she calms me down.
Sounds like you are similar to me in that you are scared to go to the doctors. From what I gather most HA sufferers race to the docs for reassurance. I used to be up there all the time years ago, atleast once a week. But these days I bury my head in the sand. Partly due to counselling & partly because ive got a different doc now.
But it sucks I know. The only thing I have control of now is NOT googling at all! Someone mentioned something in another thread earlier, but didn't explain what it is, & I really wanted to google it, but I refuse to.
All the crappy symptoms ive had in the last few years, & the symptoms my son has had recently, could of had me googling, & I seriously would of been on the egde if I had googled, I know that much! So I am glad I didn't. Because me & my lad are fine! But Mr google would of told me different! Because he makes sweeping generalisations!
See what I mean? xxxxx