View Full Version : cant remember

anxious elephant999
03-10-09, 16:53
Hi im really worried , this has happened a few times now and im freaking out , when i wake up in the morning , its like my mind is blank , it takes me ages to work out what day it is and what im doing ,and im getting really scared everytime i think about it i feel anxious and sick , whats happening to me

03-10-09, 17:31
hiya anxious elephant hun, thanks for supporting me re: MRI. I know what you mean, you are caught up in the anxiety and it affects concentration, i think some people call it brain fog. I struggle with even moving around right now just so frightened, and the days just pass by and I'm not aware half the time what day it is because I am so absorbed by anxious thoughts and feelings. It will get better with time, try anything that you like to distract yourself, a favourite film or music or even something sweet that you like. Anything that will be nice to your senses at this time will help take some focus away from your symptoms. Hope you feel better soon x

anxious elephant999
03-10-09, 17:51
Thanx janni just get so worried about losing it coz i get depersonlization alot and im frightened im gonna start forgetting who people are , like my daughter and husband and family and friends

03-10-09, 19:23
I get this too, it's like a wake up and my mind is dead, it takes me a while to remember what i did the day before and what day it is today, scary i know :(

03-10-09, 19:27

I've had this before. It's an awful feeling at the time - you're struggling to remember what day/time it is - but you always remember in the end!! I think it's when you waken up from a deep sleep and when you're anxious. Take care.
Myra x:yesyes:

03-10-09, 19:47
Thats Me!!!!

You spend all day listening to everything your body is telling you and then it fades in to insignificance. Next day I cant remember what I did. The more you worry and test yourself the worse it becomes...believe me, If you forget about it and reduce your anxiety day in day out you will start to remember.

The days events are just taking a backstage.

Dont worry.
