View Full Version : medication for HA....

03-10-09, 18:20
ive finally given in and decided to get myself back down to the docs first thing monday morning and get myself back on medication for my health anxiety. ive been on them before and was helped a great deal by them.

im just so down right now and have felt like this for months since i started having panic attacks again and now my HA has gone through the roof and im not too proud to say i cant cope. its making me miserable and im sure im making my precious daughter miserable too :(

my question is, im due to begin driving lessons this coming tuesday and i remember the last time i took medication (paroxetine) i felt quite spaced out for a while on them till they kicked in. is it safe to start my driving lessons while beginning to take these?

sorry if ive posted in the wrong place. im all over the place today...:weep:

hope everyone else is doing better than me....

03-10-09, 22:26
I think it depends what you're prescribed. Some of them will make you feel drowsy and spacey for a while, and others won't. Best ask the doctor if he/she thinks it'll be safe to drive. You can always rearrange your lessons - just tell the instructor some emergency has arisen.

Good for you for making this step. Hang in there :) xxx