View Full Version : Leukemia

03-10-09, 19:38
Ok, recently I've been suffering from these symptoms:

-Bleeding gums with a bad taste in my mouth
-Slightly swollen legs and feet
-Sweaty hands and feet
-General aches and pains
-Abnormal bruising - Well, just over 2 months ago my left foot swelled up and was quite badly bruised. I had gone over on it slightly and the doctor said he thought it was a combination of different injuries causing it to bruise. Was worrying though as it never happened straight away, noticed a slight pain when I was walking that gradually got worse and worse over the hours/days. I do have insoles for my feet that I hadn't been wearing so these might've had a hand in making the bruising and swelling worse. At least that's what I've been trying to tell myself.

This is been going on for the past couple of months. I've literally been in a panic for the last month. It's all I can think about. I've been to the doctors yet again, and she didn't think I had anything to worry about. I had been taking Minoxidil for my hair (4ml daily, twice the recommended dose) and one of the side effects can be swelling of the extremeties, so she was prettty positive this had caused the swollen legs and feet. I stopped taking it over a week ago though and my legs and feet are still swelling up a bit. Not 100% sure if this is a common symptom of leukemia but I found some cases where leg swelling has been a symptom.

The gum bleeding and bad taste has had me panicking constantly as well.
I'm sure the bleeding gums started around the time the other symptoms began. I can't get them off my mind as every time I get the bad taste in my mouth all I can think of is. "Oh my god I'm dieing!".

It's at the stage now where I'm constantly examining my body trying to find symptoms that I can attribute to leukemia. Just earlier on I thought I had petechaie on my feet. They are miniscule light spots, some of which are probably freckles but that didn't stop me getting in a complete panic about them.

The doctor on the second visit still felt none of this was anything to worry about. Never even checked my lymph nodes or anything.
She just suggested that I go the dentist about my bleeding gums and return to the doctors in 2-3 weeks if I'm still worrying.
Obviously though, I've convinced myself I've now had leukemia for 2 months so I'm questioning whether or not I'll even last that long.
Can anyone give me any reassurance as I'm really struggling to cope right now.:weep:

04-10-09, 00:17

Sorry u are feeling like this,

Best thing to do is visit yr dr and get a blood test, but i very much doubt u have luekemia.

I have lots of these symptoms to. bleeding gums and bad taste will need a trip to the dentist.

sweaty hands is usually anxiety symtom

love mandie x

04-10-09, 19:39
Thanks. =]
Ye, found a few more light spots on my foot so I'm going to go and try and get a blood test.
Hopefully I'm just panicking over nothing.:)

04-10-09, 22:10
Hi Stuart, I'm sorry you're feeling like this as well but I'm sure it's nothing to really worry about. I had a Leukemia scare a few months ago and had all the same symptoms as you including petechiea covering my legs and back. Scary! I checked in with my doctor and got a full CBC w/differential and everything came back normal, platelets and all. Talk about being relieved!
Like Mandie said though, make an appointment with your Doc. and ask of them to do some blood work just for peace of mind :) relax a little.

19-10-09, 20:26

Well, finally got my bloodtest done today. The doctor had scheduled it a week after my last appointment as she didn't have time to do it and she really didn't think it was that urgent. Also got another appointment in a week to talk about my anxiety issues.
The same symptoms still exist(+ more) although the swelling doesn't seem to be as severe. Possibly because I haven't been on my feet as much recently though.

I still feel like I'm completely losing the plot tbh. Getting myself worked up over symptoms that probably aren't even there(or things that have always been there).
Been studying my eyes and my skin as I thought I looked jaundiced the other day.
My occipital lymph node(at least I think it's that:D) is swollen (well, not that swollen but it's hard and fixed). I've been poking and prodding at that religously which in turn is probably causing it to get even bigger.
I got the nurse to check it today and she just thought it was a bone, or the beginning of a cyst. She said if it was a lymph node it would've been soft and would move around. From what I've read though a hard fixed node could be indicative of cancer metastasis.:(
As a result of me thinking my cancer has metastasised I'm noticing things like floaters in my eyes and flashes in the corners of my eyes. I'm short sighted so floaters are normal and I've always had them but I've convinced myself they're getting worse.
Even stupid things like indentations on the skin caused from clothing are making me paranoid. God knows why, as everyone tells me they get them. But my skin seems to be getting easily indented all over my body now.

As you can tell I'm completely freaking out. :wacko:
Hopefully the blood count will put me out of my misery. :blush:

20-10-09, 04:48
No one has anything to say.
Guess you all think I'm doomed.:unsure::)

20-10-09, 13:02
Gosh you are so not doomed. You sounds so very much like me, although its hiv that has me hooked. I have progressed a little recently towards getting through this and im am no longer where you are. I remember feeling exactly as you do. It was horrible and i just know that you agree.

You really need to listen to the part of you that knows this is an anxiety problem, and turn it up louder. Important to remember that thinking you have luekeamia is not a symptom of having it although having a belief based on self researching a topic that ( correct me if i am wrong!) you dont have either enough knowledge or a proper working understanding and experience in to do correctly and then diagnosing yourself with leukeamia and if its not that something much worse ( must be something equally bad or worse to qualify as a new worry :) ) is definately a symptom of health anxiety.

It might help you to know that absolutely nothing you have written is different from the way that i behave due to my health anxiety and i have had 20 sessions with a psyshologist who has identified that i 100% have health anxiety and not hiv.

Honestly i feel your anxiety becuase it sounds so like mine feels. Youve been to the dr and they didnt leap of their seat and shout you have leukeamia or anything remotely serious, so therefore tell your anxiety to stop winding you up as if thats what did happen!!

I hope your feeling okay


20-10-09, 13:12
with anxiety the east thing we get wrong we think we have cancer ,,or something bad ,,no matter what people say in our minds we are ill ..even after tests still we don't believe ,,once we get all clear for one thing we start with another its a vicious circle that's why anxiety is so soul destroying ,,i was a nurse or 15 years and it doesn't sound like anything serious you have wrong,,you must stop dwelling on every spot lump ..you find wont do you any good ,,it could make things a lot worse maggie

21-10-09, 16:04
Hello there,

I realise this is an older post, but I just felt I had to reply to it - hopefully to put your mind at ease a little bit.

Like MissJennayee, I too had a scare a few years ago. I noticed petechiae on my shins, which spread and started to appear on my forearms. Blood tests came back clear and a dermatologist said it was capillaritis, or Schamberg's Disease. It lasted a few months and then spontaneously resolved. The point here is that the petechiae were *really* noticeable - very distinct from freckles, so you really would notice! :scared15:

Also, with something like leukaemia, you would probably notice accompanying symptoms such as weight loss, severe fatigue and so on that would act as 'red flags' for the GP.

As for the mouth symptoms, I've had the same too! My gums bleed anyway but sometimes I have a metallic taste in my mouth that used to worry me lots. But years on I'm still here, so I think it's just 'one of those things'! Previous posters are right, have an appointment with a hygienist to give your teeth a good scrub and your gums some attention and see how that goes.

Now, if only I could put my own mind at ease...! :wacko:

Take care,

Anna. x

25-10-09, 00:50
Thanks for the reassuring words all. :)

Anyway, phoned up the doctors to get my CBC results on yesterday and the receptionist said it had "Nothing significant" on my file with the blood results but my doctor would give them to me and explain on tuesday when I go in. ¬_¬
May ask to get others tests done, as last night the swelling in my leg was the worst it's ever been. I've also been noticing marks and indentations left from clothing all over my body which is a sign of generalised edema.
It might still be the Minoxidil coming out of my system but I would've thought after stopping it weeks ago all the side effects would have completely dissappeared.

One good thing though, my Occipital node seems to have softened and shrunk a bit in the last two days. Most probably to do with me not bothering it with my finger at all. :P

05-11-09, 05:45
Well, I went to see my Doctor about my CBC and everything was within normal range
Platelet count was 220,000 and my WBC was 8900, both of which are normal I think? My Doctor then told me that it definitely wasn't leukemia or a blood disorder so I could relax. She didn't give me any idea of what could be causing these symptoms and it seems to me that she thinks that I'm completely overreacting because of my past history of anxiety.

Still suffering from these symptoms:

Bleeding Gums
Swollen occipital lymph node which is quite hard
Petechiae on my feet and ankles
Very cold feet that are frequently red and ankles that are constantly itching
Swollen calves, ankles and feet
Excessive sweating of my hands and feet

Also, she referred me to another Doctor about my anxiety and depression that I told her I was having. I went in for that appointment and talked to the Doctor. I told her about how anxious I am with everything. I never really delved into how depressed I feel but she said the anxiety was just normal. God knows how obsessing over every little thing that is wrong with me can be seen as normal. As soon as I walked out the Doctor's office I pretty much burst into tears. I know that's pathetic, but after feeling anxious for years, and feeling depressed for almost as long I thought with that appointment I was finally going to get some help. I should make another appointment but tbh I really feel I'm at the point of just giving up.

05-11-09, 08:59
Great news about the blood results.. Water retention is something that happens sometimes and you may just need a diuretic to get rid of excess water.

Glad you are feeling better.
