View Full Version : strange head sensations

03-10-09, 23:14
Since suffering with anxiety i've had weird head sensations on and off (constantly fearing brain tumors etc), but today i've experianced new sensations and they are concerning me abit.
The whole of my head on and off keeps feeling numb and cold, and i keep getting like a flow of coldness inside my head if that makes ant sense. Its a very strange feeling and its making me worry........alot, and i've had a kind of pressure and tightness feeling all over my head as if i'm going to get a bad headache, but it's not coming to anything.
Has anybody else had any of these weird feelings in and on their head before?? Any help and reasuurance would be very nice tonight, thank you.

Debs xx

03-10-09, 23:20
Hi Debs,

Its so weird, you are describing how I am feeling....I started with these about two weeks ago and have had them every day since....however I have been to the doctors and he wasnt overly concerned about them.....but like you naturally I am fearing the worst :-( I went and bought tiger balm and at the moment Im lying here with it on my forehead. Im probably not reassuring you however Im still here and still moaning about them....lol.

Shaz x x

04-10-09, 00:59
Hi Shaz,
Thank you for replying, it does help knowing others have the same feelings/sensations. Because these are new for me i do worry!! And because it all feels so weird!!
But, thank you again for taking time to reply, all the best to you and hope your weird head fades soon.
Take care, Debs xxx