View Full Version : Can't stop crying

04-10-09, 11:32
I was reading one of clare weekes book and read 'he looks back at the person he was when he could sit peacefully ..that word peacefully just triggered me nothing is peacefull anymore everything is a struggle is a 24 hours fight with omyself ..i think i have no strenght lef i feel have been fighting forever since i was born , i dont think i have had one peacefull content day ..and being almost 35 i think thats it there isno hope i am done with this the medications the talking the doctors the councelling had enogh of everything ..feel very low& tired and when i get like this it all comes back my dad abd my mum that have been crap parents ..actually no parents at all ..then i miss rome my friends.. ...Sorry for the confusing moan hope everyonelse is having a better sunday than me:weep:

04-10-09, 13:02
dear fran :hugs:, i am so sorry you feel like this. there is times is feels so totally overwhelming i know, and if it has been with you a long time, there are times you feel there is no hope.
I too have been troubled for such a long time, so i know where you are coming from. There is always hope, just sometimes we cant see it, this is a blip, a low time for you, you will come back up again. Being away from home must make it double hard for you, but we are all here for you.
Today is just one of those days when everything gets on top of you, allow yourself to cry today, and not feel bad about it, and get up tommorow fighting once more.
We all have our challenges in life, and i think the secret is to change what we can, and accept what we can't and still live a meaningful life, despite the problems we face.
i am thinking of you today, and sending you good wishes, i hope tommorow is the start of a better time for you.

Take care

P x

04-10-09, 20:35
Hi Fran, it sounds like some of us are DEFINITELY having a better Sunday than you, but fear not, we've saved at place for you at the party :D

Sounds to me like you could do with a change of pace. If your current therapy is not helping, I recommend trying hypnotherapy, cos this promotes relaxation and mental well-being and it cuts through a lot of the "mental clutter" that stops us from getting better on our own.

Would it be worth asking your counsellor to start using cognitive behavioural techniques to help you train yourself to see life in a different way? How long have you been receiving counselling?

I'd recommend avoiding too much dwelling on the past. That's the place you came from. If you spend all your time looking back, you can't see where you're going.

05-10-09, 22:47
Hello Pollyanna ,
thank you for your post and kind words -:) you are right we have to keep positive even when we think we had enough !!..made a big mistake as after going out for lunch yesterday had too manydrinks so today wasnt a good day really ( only myself to blame )
i feel tomorrow will be a better day though and i should try and enjoy it without worrying too much -:)
If you ever needsend me a pm and will be more than happy help
take care

05-10-09, 22:54
Hello Adam
thanks for your post ..at the momenti am not doing any therapy i have finished after two years of seeing a CBT therapist just before the summer as she thought i didnt need to go and see her anymore and i was fine ..but as i am not fine anymore i might contact her again ..as this time when my anxiety came back i took the easy option went to the doctor that prescribed me some pronoplol but i dont particulary like the effects ..
Thanks again :)

05-10-09, 22:58
Hello Fran :)
Pollyanna's reply was very good!
Sorry to hear how down you are feeling. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow. I can relate to how you feel as some days everything seems to pile up emotionally doesn't it? and it seems like things will never get any better and then we have a better day and things don't seem so bad.
I hope you have a good day tomorrow.
Hugs to you :hugs:

05-10-09, 23:04
Hello Poppy
yes Pollyanna post was very helpfull -:)
yesterday wadnt good but maybe tomorrow will be better i dont have to let negative thoughts take over ..think positive ..!!

But as you say it is hard but i shall keep trying -:)
hope you will have a great day tomorrow full of positive thinking