View Full Version : i keep forgetting

anxious elephant999
04-10-09, 12:17
Hi all im getting really worried now i posted the other day coz i keep waking up and not remembering what day it is , now this morning my daughter showed me a picture of my nephew , now i knew it was my nephew but i couldnt remember his name , then my daughter asked me about a nursery rhymn and i couldnt remember that ither , im getting really scared incase its alzimers and what if i forget who everyone is or where i live or what if i start wondering off ,my husband keep telling me not to be so stupid and that ive just found something else to worry about but im really truly worried by this , does anybody else get this and could it be my anxiety

04-10-09, 12:51
I pm-ed u when i read this :bighug1: i forget stuff a lot, it would feel as if my mind is frozen, just can't remember what someone's name is, i even forget my own language, just can't remember words and how to say things... it's anxiety, our obsessive thoughts about our symptoms and anxiety tire our mind and can slow it down, it's just temporary, trust me... xx

04-10-09, 13:04
Anxious you have become over-sensitized to normal body sensations and normal occurrences. You are seeking constant reassurances for these which is maintaining your anxiety. You need to learn to reassure yourself which is what people without HA do. Question what you are saying, if someone else forgot a name does that mean they must have Alzheimers? Would forgetting something you have not recalled for sometime, i.e. a rhyme, mean you have Alzheimers? Was your memory ever so perfect that you never forgot anything? You need to start to learn to question you thoughts yourself and not rely on others to reassure you. Questioning our own thoughts is a skill we develop to counter our anxiety. If you continue to delegate that act to others then you will never learn these skills and thus will never overcome your HA.

All the best


04-10-09, 14:03
Anxious you have become over-sensitized to normal body sensations and normal occurrences. You are seeking constant reassurances for these which is maintaining your anxiety. You need to learn to reassure yourself which is what people without HA do. Question what you are saying, if someone else forgot a name does that mean they must have Alzheimers? Would forgetting something you have not recalled for sometime, i.e. a rhyme, mean you have Alzheimers? Was your memory ever so perfect that you never forgot anything? You need to start to learn to question you thoughts yourself and not rely on others to reassure you. Questioning our own thoughts is a skill we develop to counter our anxiety. If you continue to delegate that act to others then you will never learn these skills and thus will never overcome your HA.

All the best


Sorry but I think you are coming across like you are preaching just like you do on most of your posts and you act like you are better than others for some reason. He/she cannot help it if their memory forgets a certain incident.

Just to say that I am really bad for that as I am forever losing my keys and sometimes I forget peoples names that I have known for ages. It is nothing to worry about and as said above that it is just a temporary thing. I think this can sometimes occur with people with HA.
Just to say

04-10-09, 14:38
you may be having a early bout of forgetfulness. If you have been shot with anesthesia, it can be a factor why you keep on forgetting things. But you can see a good doctor to check on you.



anxious elephant999
04-10-09, 14:41
i havnt had any anesthesia ,and what do you mean an early bout of forgetfullness

04-10-09, 15:23
Sorry but I think you are coming across like you are preaching just like you do on most of your posts and you act like you are better than others for some reason. He/she cannot help it if their memory forgets a certain incident.

Just to say that I am really bad for that as I am forever losing my keys and sometimes I forget peoples names that I have known for ages. It is nothing to worry about and as said above that it is just a temporary thing. I think this can sometimes occur with people with HA.
Just to say

All the recommendations that I have posted are recognized CBT techniques and not my own theories. The above technique was taken from 'Overcoming Anxiety' by Dr Helen Kennerley. She is a practicing chartered clinical Psychologist and Consultant Psychologist for Riverside Mental Health Trust and Oxfordshire Mental Health Trust. The article is on page 39 under 'Maintenance of hypochondriasis' and the book is recommended by the UK Department of Health under the 'Books on Prescription' scheme.

I suffer from social phobia and fear that people might think negatively of me. Your post caused me to have a panic attack, but I know that was not your intention. I would request that you take a little more care with you posts as there are many on this site that suffer from social anxiety. My intention is only to help those with the advice handed down to me by those that have helped me deal with my illness. And if I come across as preaching I apologize, part of my illness is that I sufferer from 'repressed feelings' that cause 'emotional detachment'. This can result in me often coming across as insensitive or cold which I have commented upon in previous posts. Again I apologize and this is something I am trying to address but I have suffered from it since childhood and find it difficult. But I hope you respect that I and others on this forum have a right to air our views even it is in contradiction to your own beliefs. If you still think my post have a potential to cause offense or are unhelpful then I respect your opinion and you are welcome to report me to the administrators. I only have a wish to help others who are suffering from this dreadful illness from what I have learned and experienced.

Yours sincerely,


04-10-09, 17:23
Hi Steph

I agree with John Luke, we do need to learn to reassure ourselves and not rely on others. I know how difficult this is a I struggle myself and often need reassurance from my hubby, friends, psychiatrist or therapist.

I feel fine once i have been reassured, but then later that day, or a day or two later, doubt creeps in and off i go again. My husband is very patient and supportive but i can see this constant need for reassurance is frustrating for him at times. :lac:

I think this need of ours for reassurance maintains the cycle of fear. We doubt our own abilities to cope, we don't trust our own knowledge but at the end of the day if we can learn to trust and believe in ourselves and our capabilities then we will defeat anxiety and see the symtoms for what they really are ..... unpleasant but harmless.

The book John Luke quoted from is an excellent book, it is one i get out and re-read from time to time. :yesyes:

Sorry to hear you had a panic attack John Luke, I used to worry about others thinking negatively of me but i have managed to get past that worry now, hope you manage to as well because it can be quite distressing constantly checking what you are saying, doing or in this case posting. :hugs:

Take care Steph,

Sue xxxx :bighug1:

04-10-09, 17:49
Thanks Sue, I was becoming very distressed and was deep into my 'post-mortem' phase. But that your understood the point I was trying to make and your kind words have made me feel a little better.

Much Appreciated,


04-10-09, 17:57
Being forgetful is completely normal with anxiety. My memory is terrible now and it used to be so good, my Mum used to say I can't believe you remembered that. I'm only 29 but because of the anxiety my Mum who is 51 has a better memory than I do. It can also be down to being tired again due to anxiety.

Please don't worry, my Nan had Alzheimers and it's a lot more than simple forgetting names. I totally understand why it's worrying though. I can't remember my cats name sometimes and won't let anyone tell me until I get it myself and they are my babies.

sarah jayne
04-10-09, 18:07
Im always forgetful and have been for as long as i remember and im only 28. I forget silly things like where ive put something to important things like close familys birthdays. On thursday i made an idiot out of myself, i went shopping with my children to the tesco, came home, opened the car boot and realised that i'd left my shopping in the trolley in the carpark lol ! I felt such an idiot going back and asking if anyone had handed in any shopping, luckily they had lol !
Anyway what im trying to say is dont worry its completely normal, especially with anxiety xxx

anxious elephant999
04-10-09, 18:10
i gat so worried coz ive always been on the ball , could remember everything , not like my sister who has a terrible memory but she just laughs it off where as now mines bad i worry about it :ohmy: