View Full Version : Getting lazy and more lazy.

04-10-09, 14:25
Hey gang im geting bad Depresion i was really into geting fit and healthy watching what i eat exersizing every day but slowly now i just got lazy i sleep in do nothing eat normal food no junk but i just want to get back into my health habbits and life agian any tips on ow to get my spark going agian? My Dad has been a depresed wreck all the time is a heavy drinker nowto escape realityand how he talkks about mooving state soon and i just cant cope and this may be a cause i dont know?

04-10-09, 16:13

I'm sure living with an alcoholic father who is talking of moving is shaking your world and that could definately be a cause for your depression. It is a very good thing that you are eating healthy. If you can, force yourself to exercise because as you probably know it releases endorphins which helps stop depression and you will feel better. Try (and I know this is extremely difficult) to not dwell on what your Dad is saying right now because it may not happen as he may just be saying it when he is drinking. Are there any other family members around that you can turn to for help? If not, try and visit friends or places that make you feel good about yourself because you are worth it. Also, when your Dad is sober it might be a good time to tell him if you can about what his drinking is doing to you and would he try to get help. I'm not sure if you can do this but if you feel you can it might help. I wish you all the best.

Take care,


04-10-09, 20:30
Hello! Our parents have a huge impact on us and your poor Dad sounds like he's going through a very rough patc. It seems impossible to get our dads to seek treatment (there must be a mental switch where as soon as a man becomes a father he suddenly doesn't want to go to the doctor!). However your dad does need help and he won't find it at the bottom of a can of Boddingtons. I think the emotional strain his illness and behaviour are putting on you are definitely taking their toll.

You can try taking B-complex vitamins to boost your mood and energy, and try to get out of the house more. It is commendable that you care so much about your dad but he is his own man so all you can do is suggest that he seeks help and try not to take on too much of his burden -- this may sound harsh but it isn't your burden to carry. Hopefully he will make an effort to dig himself out of his mess.

Also drop the junk food and go back to eating more healthily. This improves your physical and mental health. try to get into a regular sleep pattern. Concentrate on things that make you happy; read books and magazines, play your XBox or whatever, go for walks or runs with friends, get back out into the world.