View Full Version : Why don't I believe the doctor?

04-10-09, 18:59
I have been having a lot of issues with my eyes recently and the vision in my left eye got fuzzy and I couldn't see properlly out of it. So I asked whilst I was at the doctors and she looked and said there was an infection in it. So I have drops and it's not got any better. And even though the doctors told me what it is I keep worrying it's something more. My OCD has come back recently so my anxiety is up anyway I'm just panicking about everything this is just another thing. I wish I could just believe the doctor!

05-10-09, 02:50
I'm not sure if this helps... but I had the same thing a few years ago. My vision was very blury, and I thought for sure I had some neurological disease. I was also told it was an infection caused by dry eyes and I was give drops. It did eventually pass...I know its hard to believe doctors, but sometimes it helps to know that other have had the same symptoms.