View Full Version : Annoying pain in head.

04-10-09, 19:26
Hello, for months now I've been having pains round my jaw/ear area & also travels to the top left side of my head.
It's getting to the point where I cannot stand it anymore, so I would like to hear from you guys what you think what maybe be wrong.

My symptoms are;

*The pain starts when I slide my tongue along the roof of my mouth
*Everytime I swallow, my right ear clicks but my left ear doesn't (the side where I'm worried about
*My left eye is watery from time to time
*Both my nostrils get blocked sometimes
*Sometimes when I eat, my jaw clicks
*I sneeze from time to time

Any ideas what maybe wrong? I'm really worried by this...

I also must add that last year I was diagnosed with having Anxiety, and of course having anxiety doesn't help things when I'm feeling paranoid about what maybe wrong with me...

Think it could be a sinus problem? Hope to hear from you, and thanks for the reply if you do.

04-10-09, 19:31
I get those symptoms when my sinuses flare up...

Try inhaling some steam, it tends to clear them out and relieve pressure.

04-10-09, 19:56
I get those symptoms when my sinuses flare up...

Try inhaling some steam, it tends to clear them out and relieve pressure.

Thanks for the reply. I'll try it.

Thing is though, I've been feeling this for months now but I hope something this simple works for me.

04-10-09, 20:13
If it's really bothering you it might be worth seeing a doctor to put your mind at rest. I had sinus irritation for months and was convinced that whatever it was I was dying of it by the time I eventually went to the doctors.

I still get it but it bothers me much less now I've had someone who spent five+ years at medical school tell me it wasn't going to kill me!

Sometimes just knowing for sure what something is and knowing it isn't something dangerous makes the symptoms seem less obvious, like it becomes easier to live with once you know it isn't dangerous, if you know what I mean?

04-10-09, 20:39
Yeah I'm planning on going this week. What did the doctor tell you to do?

04-10-09, 21:00
If it does turn out to be sinus problems they tell you to inhale steam, there's various nasal sprays you can get, if your sinuses are actually infected then antibiotics help.

In the meantime try not to worry too much about it, however hard that may be. I think symptoms bother us more the more we think about them.

Good luck! :)

08-10-09, 04:02
i kind of have the same prob pain in top of my heard sore jaw sneezing it might b that sore jaw thing cant remb the name but its 2 do with stress and shuting your jaw tight

08-10-09, 14:19
Hmm, I think its a sinus problem. I went running yesterday, and I could feel pressure on the left side of my head and face. And one of my nostrils was blocked and the other nostril was kinda running now an again.