View Full Version : why do i feel such a freak?

04-10-09, 20:03
I hate these feelings, why cant i just move on and get on with my life?
I feel so depressed at the moment and truely feel i cant feel much worse.
If this is my life i hate it and dont know how long i can cope with it being like this.

05-10-09, 05:22
Hi Lard i know how you feel, I am not sure of the answer though, we arnt freaks but i wish my mind would stop tell me so.

07-10-09, 21:10
hi lard, you are not alone, i too wish there was a magical cure to rid of us of these dreaded horrible thoughts in our minds, wish they could be just zapped out of the way
take each day as it comes, and if something goes wrong try not to punish yourself with these thoughts, try to look forward to things, i know its hard, but we must fight on

07-10-09, 21:48
Hi Lard I have been having panic attacks for 8 years and at first i thought I would never feel any better and my life would be shit forever but you have to belive me it does get better it really does you learn to cope and you have to listen when i say that please dont give in to these horrible thoughts and feelings because NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU you will be fine just stay strong and live life like you would before you started having panic attacks go out see friends have fun laugh and just live!!!!

07-10-09, 22:16
Hi Lard...dont think of yourself in such a demeaning way..you are, and we are, not freaks...just people who take things in life to our hearts and souls more deeply than most people...

07-10-09, 22:57

You are not a freak. You are obviously very low at the moment. Have you seen your doctor about this? Seriously, you don't have to feel like this. There is light at the end of the tunnel. You can feel better again - honestly. Get some help and also be in touch with people on here. We've all been down the same road and can support you through this.
Take care

07-10-09, 23:07
Hi Lard, I know exactly how you are feeling, I had my first panic attack when I was about 12 or 13 and still suffer terribly with anxiety and panic attacks now, and I am almost 28. Every so often when it gets me really down, I always say to my partner that I wish I wasn't a freak or I wish I could just be normal. He tells me I am normal, just someone who thinks too much and worries too much. I honestly still cling onto the hope that one day I will overcome all these problems and just enjoy my life, I have to believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Joining this forum has certainly helped me, I mentioned to my doctor the other day that I had joined a forum online and he said that was one of the best things that I could possibly do in terms of helping myself or somewhere to turn for help when the anxiety was getting too much. He said talking to other people who truly understand what you are going through can aid recovery. I hope you feel better soon
Take Care, Amanda

08-10-09, 00:22
Hi I have felt the same for the past eighteen months now. Stick with it things will improve. Seek medical help/advice it has certainly helped me. I have a psychiatrist and have had hypnosis and acupuncture. Every little helps.

All the Best

08-10-09, 11:19
Hi lard, U seem the same as me... Ive just started a new thread in this bit of the forum... I just dont feel like I can do this anymore either.... I just wanna curl up in a ball and sleep all the time as my mind is just so exhusted!!!! I just hope we can help each other :) Ive heard everyone said it gets better... and im just clinging onto that hope - I cant wait for the day where all of a sudden the feeling lifts and it all goes good again .. thats whats keeping me going.. x

08-10-09, 17:27
Hiya Lard,take it from me my friend...it WILL get better.I've suffered from anxiety/panic/depression since December 1985.However I must point out that there have been many periods in this time span when I have been better and especially in the period when I was put on citalopram (between Feb 2001 and 2008),when at times the anxiety actually disappeared!! Yes I mean that,it vanished.However,I do feel that it will always be there somewhere in many people's lives....a part of the person we are.But the good news is that if we find the right medication and/or get the right therapy we can live relatively normal lives....whatever 'normal' is.In short,its not all bad....and there is definitely cause for hope :) You take good care my friend,


08-10-09, 17:47
Know how you feel mate.