View Full Version : So tired of my HA.

04-10-09, 21:05
I've always had terrible health anxiety, ALWAYS. Since I was a little girl. I can remember when I was about 4 or 5 I would lay in bed and cry all night because I was scared of catching the "tummy bug" of course, that was all I knew of. ( The things I would do to only be scared of the flu today! haha ) the older I got the worse it's gotten. Started with Leukemia, then a brain tumor, then a heart problem, lymphoma, leukemia again and again, osteosarcoma, and now it's a spinal cord tumor. It's just gotten to the point where I can't deal anymore. It's awful. I have tingly fingers and a little toe numbess making me think I am basically doomed.. I just can't kick the feeling that I'm really sick "this time." I know you all can relate to that one.
It's just made such an impact on my life and I'm completely lost. I'm an 18 year old girl and while I should be going out with my friends I'm hunched over a computer desk all day long googling every little twinge I feel.
Dang HA ): I'm just in need of some serious reassurance.

04-10-09, 21:32
I no exactly where your coming from! i am 20 years old, and can turn the slightest tummy twinge or grumble into a full blown panic attack! I would love to go out with my mates and not think twice about illness until it actually hits me but i cannot seem to get it out of the back of my mind and its slowly taking over my life. I mainly worry about tummy problems and being sick but it can go into anything when im in full worry mood lol...... Ur not the only one believe me! daam this anxiety!

05-10-09, 18:01
Hi Missjennayee

I am only young too (23) and i just cant seem to get the thought of something bad happening to me or any illness i might have out of my head. When im busy its fine but it when im not busy my thoughts go wild which does get me down because i never used to be like it. I worry that something is being missed and i have something deadly. I know what you are going through because what you say sounds exactly like me. I do feel for you and understand but we will beat these thoughts.


06-10-09, 16:24
I'm 20 and have been feeling exactly the same for the last 3 months, maybe more! Just can't seem to convince myself i dont have some sort of mental disease, like ms or als, its really taking over my life, i think about it all the time. Im on my year abroad atm, and i really want to start enjoying it but i just can't seem to shake it! If you find the secret do tell! X

08-10-09, 12:13
Health Anxiety is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. THe way it seems to work is, you have to stop seeking reassurance - it never ends and you can never ultimately get the reassurance you need, which is you are not ever going to get ill. And ultimately die.

But of course, one die you will.

I am struggling with this demon now, and what helps me (apart from coming on this site) is realising that
* My thinking is 'wrong'. I automatically assume the worst case scenario, and this is fed by all the information online
* The more you seek reassurance, you more you need it. You never find the website that puts your mind at rest totally. Only you can do that.
* You have to work hard to stop it taking over your life. Get off the computer. Every day you manage to avoid Googling symptoms, get yourself a treat/present.
* How will you feel if you get to 85 and realise you have wasted the best years of your life worrying about stuff that never happened?

Health Anxiety is a mental disorder, but a common one and you can help yourself by realising there are no guarantees in life, stopping trying to control everything and stop feeding your fears needlessly

Obviously if you have a symptom go to the doctor, but don't waste your life with this... good luck. Just writing this helps me too

08-10-09, 15:35
I am also a 18 year old girl, and i have suffered from this for around 2 years, maybe even more..and feel EXACTLY the same as you. Although this sounds horrible, i am so glad that you have posted this, because i am exactly the same, and have been feeling really isolated and alone recently. Although i speak to my family its hard for them to understand. I am not sure how to deal with it but i am about to start therapy this month, and really think it is something you should look into because it could really help you. even afer my first session i felt tons better, just that someone understood and reasured me. I have been to the doctor countless times with feeling and had bloods and scans done and as yet, nothings been found. but i know how you feel when you just have a feeling, and wish someone would take you seriously. I think the first thing you need to think, is that a doctor is more qualified than us, they have done YEARS of training and have expierence in pretty much everything, where as we have been googling stuff and looking at sites that might not even be ligit.
The second thing i've also been trying to do is think
'There is nothing i can do to change what is going to happen' and if i think it or not, most things are going to happen. I dont know if you have an OCD, but i do, and its pretty much linked to my anxiety about health and death.
i know i probabably didnt help much, but i really hope that i have made just a little difference.. and look.. if your realy worried, get it checked out!