View Full Version : Appendicitis?

04-10-09, 21:18
I have been doing pretty well (at least for the last month or so) with my HA, but over the past 2 weeks I have been anxious about this feeling in my abdomen.

It started about 2 weeks ago and I thought it was related to my monthly time, but its not going away. Its like a dull and sometimes "sting-y" pain around my navel. I had an abdominal ultrasound in May and it came back clear so I don't think its anything like cancer, etc.

But the stinging pain feels like its more to the right, and everything I have read about appendicitis seems to say the same thing, it starts at your navel and migrates to the right.

I do have IBS, and I am trying to convince myself its just something with that or a BM, but my good friend had a burst appendix about 3 years ago and had to have emergency surgery and was sick for months afterwards and I am really starting to freak out about it.

The pain used to be only infrequent shock like pains, but today its been here for 20-30 minutes straight and its annoying and unnerving. Is this a symptom of IBS because I am not finding it anywhere.:wacko:

:doh:Sometimes I wish I didn't know so many people who had crazy things happening to them.

04-10-09, 22:07
hiya i used to get something like this ,,and sometimes the pain was so bad id feel like i was gonna pass out,,but it was still , just my ibs,,id quite often feel sick too,,which can be another symptom of appendics,,,but it never was ,,just my mind running over time :hugs:

09-10-09, 19:46
Ok now I have lower back and some pelvic dull pain/ache sensations.

I had some blood when I wiped a few weeks ago after a very rough BM, it hasn't happened since, but I am getting a little concerned.

Now I can hardly pass gas, and I have this pressure on and off, even when I don't have to go to the bathroom.

I am thinking about calling my GI doctor, but all he ever tells me is to go home and take more fiber. So I am not looking forward to that.

I am upping my metamucil intake to 3 times a day, and drinking lots more water. I hope this helps....but I am getting really nervous about this. Could it be hemorrhoids or something worse? I am almost 30, I thought hemorrhoids occurred in older age.

Cell block H fan
09-10-09, 19:55
Farmer giles (piles) happen at any age. I was first properly diagnosed with internal ones when I was about 23. Never knew I had them beforehand! I was put on fibregel. Dont even know if that still exists. But it turned out in the end I had I.B.S so they said at the hospital, even though I hadn't had constipation or the runs at all. Mine was all pain related. But I did have the pressure feeling down there. Have had it since too, & just put it down to I.B.S or maybe even an ovary cyst. I haven't got to the bottom of it yet to be honest. Pardon the pun!
I heard that Appendicitis (sp) started on the right then went to the left. But thats probably not accurate really.

09-10-09, 20:02

I bet this is your IBS! I know it is stressful but think of it: it would be a huge coincidence if you were like your friend and also took a burst appendicitis. It would be frightening for you to see her going through this and obviously you wouldn't want to go through this yourself, but honestly the fact that you have IBS sounds like this could be the problem. I hope that it settles down a bit and that you feel better soon. I know it's hard but try not to worry too much. Take heart that your tests were okay.