View Full Version : can't shake this fear off

04-10-09, 21:32
i was out today and abit panicky i looked at this lady an older lady say in 60's and i became frightened, not of her but of getting older, i don't want to get older and look older, i know this may sounds perfetic but its killing me inside :weep: i know we all grow old but the feeling inside is soo strong its making me feel sick

04-10-09, 21:43
Hi lonely

I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad at the moment, I know how you feel though. I am 52 and wonder about stuff...............but I was walking passed a neighbours other day and I could see in, he's in his 90's and sat there all forlorn and I got scared thinking about what he must be thinking!! Losing cognitive skills etc, it's very scary, I have no answer. But I know at the moment I am having a bad time with depression as well.

Sorry my story is of no help to you but just let you know you're not alone with your thoughts.


07-10-09, 21:07
hi thanks for your reply, it was as worse today, the thoughts are killing me inside, i can't see myself at 30yrs, let alone 40, 50 or even more.
i can't tell my gp because they will probrably say your not a child, or your an adult like has been mentioned on different occasions in the past, im trying to bury these thoughts but then they just creep up and its all there again, its tearing me apart inside
it may sound stupid or completely selfish of me thinking this way but my head is soo messed up with depression and anxiety etc

12-10-09, 21:15
Hi Lonely

How are things? These fears can be soooo overwhelming. They can take any form, any randon event can take on mammoth proportions. I've recently taken my irrational fears beyond old age, a common one for me, to beyond death itself. I've been thinking what if i go to hell and these feeling last for eternity. But this is just a typical result of an exhausted nervous system. We are just sick at the moment. People are good, God is good and Life is good. It is just our bodies are fatigued which leads to warped perceptions.

Wishing you peace and solice :bighug1: