View Full Version : Some thing that has completley cured my panic/globus

04-10-09, 22:51
Hi everyone

I have had panic attacks now for 7 months and globus for 2 short months but seemed like a lifetime and felt like the worst experience of my life... I am now CURED!!

basically i have been for extensive tests, etc with no joy, it got that bad that i could not eat as i began to believe i was allergic to everything in the world.. strange but your mind does funny things to you and thats how i felt, called an ambulance twice cos i thought i was dying etc etc etc...

so my last resort and it worked... hypnotherapy, the best £100 i have spent in my life absolutely amazing and from the minute i walked out of there i felt a huge sense of relief, still getting used to the fact that i no longer have this lump/tightening feeling in the back of my throat!
it turns out that nearly 99% of ppl that suffer with globus/anxiety have had something happen to them in their childhood etc which they cant necessarily remember but something has triggered the feeling back off hence the feeling now, it came out on my hypnotherapy something i remember now it has been bought up but would have never in a million yrs remembered if i hadnt gone, all that is needed is the bond between this thought and your mind broken - through hypno and hey presto...

i am going back for some more follow up session in a couple of weeks an altough it was only done on friday it is now sunday night and i feel so refreshed, alive and normal again.

i would strongly recommend it to anyone i feel if it was not for that i would still be the same.

please leave me your comments. if you ahve had it done before and if it worked etc etc etc

maybe it doesnt work for everyone but it certainy did for me and i am a new person. more relaxed, chilled and eating again!! yey xxx

04-10-09, 22:56
well if its worked for you,,thats brilliant,,im very pleased for you ,,hope you keep going from strengh to strengh,,well done :hugs:

05-10-09, 01:30
gd 4u its gd 2 hear ppl getting some hope :D

Veronica H
05-10-09, 09:56
:bighug1: I'm so pleased for you Becky. Thanks for letting us know.


sarah jayne
05-10-09, 11:20
I am definately going to look into it and give it a try, i'll try anything to have a normal life ! How did you find a good hypnotherapist ? Im glad it worksed for you.
Sarah x

06-10-09, 01:03
I am definately going to look into it and give it a try, i'll try anything to have a normal life ! How did you find a good hypnotherapist ? Im glad it worksed for you.
Sarah x

I am quite lucky that my mum works for a hypnotherapist and i asked him, eventually got the courage to do so! if you are local to me i can send you his details, if not i suppose it would be just word of mouth? xx

07-10-09, 17:23
I am booked in for my first hypno session next thursday - for stress and tension headaches - I hope and pray it works! Does it feel wierd? I listen to paul mckenna (sleep like a log) and I do actually fall asleep listening to it which has been a problem for me for years (ie: the tiniest bit of noise = me no sleep! resulting in ear plugs every night!)... interested to know if it will be similar?

jude uk
09-10-09, 04:07
I had hypnosis before an operation. I have a fear of hospitals so went for hypnosis and after 3 sessions I was able to walk to the hospital, jump on the operating table and felt calm

You feel very relaxed during hypnosis, and there is no need to go into a deep trace for it to work. Most times you can hear the persons voice but other times you seem to drift off and come back again and then drift off. It does work and most give you a CD to listen to during each session.

Go with an open mind
Go with trust
Go and accept what is being said

I am sure there is advice on the side bar on this site

09-10-09, 10:14
That sounds pretty interesting.. I went through the CBT route and it made me feel 90% better. But I still get anxiety symptoms and still have to put up with it, it just made me be able to cope with it better. Hypnotherapy sounds like the next logical step.

- Hi Becky did you have a hypnotherapist that was specialised in Anxiety/Panic attacks??
- How easy was it to relax and just listen to what the therapist was saying etc?
- Where abouts is this hypnotherapist? as I have come across a few bad therapists in my time (not hypno) and sounds like you found a good one.

Glad your feeling better, must be a massive sigh of releif

10-10-09, 16:00
So pleased to hear hypno made a difference. I shall look into this as my panic attacks are bad at the moment. I have trouble sleeping and eating - feel as I will choke. Please could you let me know which therapist you went to - just incase I live near?