View Full Version : Believing Doctors

04-10-09, 23:27
If you suffer from health anxiety and the Doctor tells you that you are compleatly healthy how the HELL do you make yourself believe it ?????

04-10-09, 23:31
Cos they are the experts and know better than us I guess.

It is more about how you make yourself believe it that matters.

04-10-09, 23:34
If a doctor says it as an opinion then it's just that. The only way for a doctor and yourself to know for sure that you're healthy is by running tests. If you're still dubious after a clear result, maybe ask your doctor for the paperwork so you can have for your own eyes whenever you want to check, rather than just having it told verbally to you.

04-10-09, 23:59
You will never believe the doctor, or should ,i say i never did. If you feel like your dying nothing will tell you otherwise. I still feel that I am going to die. I have had HA since late 2006 and only time has allowed me to live with the symptoms because I know I am still alive. The problem is I had a range of tests in 2007 and as I feel the same now I feel that the tests are out of date now and I could do with testing again to make sure that these symptoms arent the real ones.

Time reduces the anxiety but I dont stop thinking about dying, I just dont panic as much.

Sorry for the deppresing news but only you free from drugs can prove to yourself that you are well. You can have umpteen tests and still you will believe they missed something.


05-10-09, 00:29
Are u allowed to ask for your notes and i have had about 60 + ecg's in the last 2 years and 2 strees tests all come back clear but why dont i believe the doctors

05-10-09, 08:43
I had an initial consultation with a psychiatrist last week and he said that I need to re-programme my brain into thinking positive. I told him I never believe the doctors and he told me to use positive affirmations every morning and throughout the day to tell my brain to change. Currently I'm using 'I am positive, healthy and strong' in the morror in the mornings and whenever I feel stressed.

When I left the doctor last week I thought what a load of mumbo jumbo, but I can honestly say I feel better.

Worth a try....