View Full Version : weird, uncontrolable thoughts

05-10-09, 02:33
For the past few weeks I have been having a very unsettling symptom. I have had anxiety for awhile now, so of course when I get a new symptom that I have never had before, I basically freak out. I am not even 100% sure this is JUST anxiety... But let me run this past all of you and see if anyone else has ever had this.

Lately I feel like my thoughts just go by themselves. I have been having very weird, almost chopped up thoughts. Sometimes just random words will go over and over in my head, sometimes parts of songs will be playing in my head, other times it just sounds like static. Basically I am feeling like my thoughts are tiring me out. I am not sure if I am explaining this properly... But it is very scary, I feel like I have lost some control of my thinking, and my brain is kind of just stuck. It feels like my thoughts are racing, but they arent even really bad thoughts, just loud and annoying ones. Like sometimes someone will say something, and that phrase will just repeat over and over in my head. Oh man, this makes no sense, please say someone is able to understand this...


05-10-09, 10:02
Racing thoughts is a anxiety symptom and it is caused by a overtired mind.

I go through phases like this where my mind feels like its draining me because it just wont shut up! its our minds way of finding a explanation to why we feel like we do.

i found that i usually get this symptom when im trying not to worry, for example, if i have been worrying for months on end about on particular thing, when i try not to and it starts to work my mind fills up with lots and lots of noise!

My best advice would be is to try and distract your mind, go out with your friends, read a book, try and keep your self active so your thoughts arnt so inward.

Good Luck xx

05-10-09, 10:11
I read a book by Paul David which helped explained these thoughts.

here are some quotes

"The reason you seem to have your attention on yourself all day and it feels like there are many thoughts running through your mind is twofold.

1. It is all the confusion about how you feel. Your mind spends all day looking for answers and trying to find a way out of this hell. Some people may even stay up all night, reflecting on the whole day and trying to figure everything out.

Eventually, thinking just becomes automatic, it becomes a habit. All day, every day, these thoughts seem to enter your head before you even think them. Look at it this way, when people meditate, they stop thinking for hours on end, until it becomes a habit and they can go all day without a worrying thought, which is why they feel so refreshed. Not you, your thoughts just carry on and on and when your mind is tired, like it is now, it grabs hold of every thought pulling them in and making them stick.

Fighting thoughts and trying to rid yourself of them is the wrong approach and a battle you will lose for sure, again you are fighting something that is totally normal in the circumstances. Don't think you are going crazy or try and fight or change the way you think"

Hope this helped :) xx

05-10-09, 10:16
hi there, i totally agree with you meg it is caused by an overtired mind...i get it too sometimes and it feels like my mind is in overload as i call it..so many thoughts going through my mind at one time and i feel my head is going to explode this for me normally leads to anxiety...try going for a nice walk or as meg above said read a book anything to calm yourself and your mind take care xx

05-10-09, 17:41
Thank you all so so so so so much for your replies. I have been so worried, and my anxiety is horrible, but it helps SOOOO much to know people out there understand what I am going through. Anxiety is so isolating for me, thank you so much again.

05-10-09, 20:34
Oh yeah. "Racing thoughts", very normal if you're anxious.

07-10-09, 19:00
I know how really difficult this is. I get it when I am super tired. I went to Itunes and dowloaded a few free self help 5 minute relaxing music tracks from the self-help pod casts and lay on my bed and listen to them. It really, really helps.

B x x x x

09-10-09, 10:39
Yeah I know what you mean, I get this too its annoying... I pick up on words that repeat themselves in my head, and also pick up on sections of songs that will not leave me. Grrrr :mad:

The one that still really makes me feel unstable is when people whisper, just does something to my brain and I have to get away. Weird :wacko:

I know how really difficult this is. I get it when I am super tired. I went to Itunes and dowloaded a few free self help 5 minute relaxing music tracks

Good tip! I downloaded sounds of the rainforest http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/3515249/Nature_Sounds__Mountain_Forest.3515249.TPB.torrent
Listen to it when I go to bed. Don't know if u, use torrent sites but if you do then follow his link.

09-10-09, 11:59
Im tellin' you.. sometimes that ocean/bird/whale music just sorts me out.

I dont use torrents much but the ones on Itunes suit me.

Have a good weekend.. :)

09-10-09, 19:14
I usually try to do something that makes me feel light hearted (or as close as lol) and relax when I feel like my thoughts are racing. Thought meg was spot on

1. It is all the confusion about how you feel. Your mind spends all day looking for answers and trying to find a way out of this hell. Some people may even stay up all night, reflecting on the whole day and trying to figure everything out.

Happy hunting :)

10-10-09, 14:03
I agree and can totally relate. Sometimes this will throw me into panianxeity attacks, cause I start to fear that Im losing it. And just wanna hold my head to make it stop. Racing thoughts, and svcary thought. And the fear of them. Its been getting better, but only because Ive been going to therapy for over a year now and solved alot of the problems within. Do not fear this, its normal for unique and awesome people like us :)

10-10-09, 14:56
i know how you feel, iv had 3 weeks of this its like i cant switch my mind off atall. Thoughts just bouncing around 24/7. But i thought perhaps it was the meds as only been on them for 2 weeks. I hope you feel better soon

10-10-09, 15:23
Whispering....yes me too...i just cant stand hearing whispering really drives me mad grrrr i was in the loo once and there were all these girls in the toilet whispering i was trying to be as quick as possible to get out cos it was driving me nuts..also i could see all their shadows moving . under the partition I got a bit paranoid about it really. When I came out of the loo to wash my hands my daughter came in with her friend and they too heard all these girls giggling and carrying on..than the strangest thing happened...the door to the loo opened and this women walked out on her OWN...she didnt look at us just straight out the door...it totally freeked me out and my daughter..I to this day cant understand it..I saw all those shadows and i heard loads of voices all whispering and giggling...lol im not mad but ill never forget it....This happened in the toilets at legoland..been back since but wont go in those toilets again...sorry to completely come of the main reason why i commented on this thread...which was the whispering..since that day I cant stand hearing whispering..By the way I forget to tell you this happened on halloween too...strange hey..