View Full Version : somebody please help

05-10-09, 08:08
please can somebody help me my panic/anxiety has come back big style last week. i am finding it really hard to function and have been signed off work again. i just feel so bad, i feel constantly sick with fear and shaky all the time. i cannot eat and am finding it hard to sleep. doc gave me some lofepramine and i have started takng them, not sure if they are making me worse or not. i just do not know what to do with my self, i just wish i could run away from it, please can someone reply to this i just feel so desparate at the moment. my husband is supportive but i don't think he understands how bad i feel,if you have never felt like this you cannot know how bad it is.

jackie x:weep: :weep:

05-10-09, 09:07
Hi Jackie!
I know just how you feel, it's awful isn't it? I myself am trying to deal with it all without medication but I know that meds do take a while to kick in and some can also make you feel more anxious before they make you feel better.
Hopefully if you give them a bit longer you will begin to feel better. Relaxation cd's, breathing properly and counselling all help people too.
You are right that it's very hard for people to understand what this feels like unless they have experienced it themselves. My hubbie had it years ago but came through it and now because I have suffered for longer than he did, thinks it's time I "sorted myself out" and got better!!!:blush: He is losing patience with me. Oh if only I could sort myself out I would. As if we want to feel like this!
I'm sorry I have not been much help but I wanted you to know I understand and also know what it's like when you feel desperate and it's taking a while for anyone to post a reply.
Love Judy.x

05-10-09, 09:09
hi jackie
i was just like that last week and doc gave me meds but said they would take a while before i felt any better. can you think of something that has triggered it again. Im finding a break from work is helping a bit it takes some pressure off. Try to do things that relax you a bit and dont do things that put pressure on you for a while. I still feel panicy and ill but it is a bit better than last week. hang in there hope you feel better soon

05-10-09, 10:16
thanks for the replies, it helps to know someone understands. i have being using relaxation tapes all weekend especially at night to help me sleep. only wnet back on tablets cos i was starting to have a drink or 2 or 3 just to help me sleep adn taht is not the rihgt thing to do i know that and that had to stop before it came a habit. i think trigger factor was my dad died - complicated so i had only met him a handful of times and i suppose i am not sure how i should feel. i now have a large family that i am trying to get to know after 40 odd years and it is pressure. work has also been really busy and stressful all summer due to long term sick and it has got to me, i worry that i am making mistakes and just feel guilty for everything. i feel guilty now cos i have done exactly what i was moaning about someone else doing - going of sick. i hvae been like this on and off for 10 years now it comes and goes and tehn come and bites you on teh backside again just wehn you startgn to feel better , -not been as bad as this for a long time though. i am trying counselling at work through occy health - adn seh is training in cbt so luckily i am trying that - i know how long some people have to wait for that. i know what you are both sayign that the meds take time to kick in and i have only taken then for a few days but god tehy don't half make you feel rubbish to start wtih. i am trying to keep calm and focus on other things. thanks again for teh friendly advice - it is really appreciated. hope you have a good day. jackie x

05-10-09, 10:45
guilt, guilt,guilt sometimes i think thats the big problem other people dont seem to feel guilty even when they are wrong but we feel guilty for being sick. Maybe if we can accept its an illness the same as any other we can over come the guilt and start to get better

05-10-09, 11:15
den68 - you are so right - some of us just feel guilt for everyone else - i sometimes wish i was one of those people who just don't give a damn about anything or anyone but i cannot be like that. i do accept it is an illness adn i am up front wtih people exactly what is going on with me but sometimes you feel tath tehy are thinking i am being silly and everyone gets anxious adn it can't be that bad, all i can say is walk in my shoes today to see how it can affect people. thanks for your replies i hope you have a better week this week x