View Full Version : Oh the worries.

05-10-09, 09:44
I'm still having pins and needles in my hands and feet that are persistent and I'm still, yet extremely, terrified of a spinal tumor.
Spent all day googling and now it just keeps getting worse and obviously, causing a gigantic problem with my sleep schedule which sucks because I have to be up in 3 hours. Awful huh? :blush:
Has anyone else had persistent pins and needles, tingling, etc.
Please tell me you have ):

05-10-09, 09:49
I had a bad time with pins and needles earlier this year, and what i find is the more you worry and obsess about them the more you will tingle!

I finally got over this fear by going to two different doctors who confirmed it was anxiety and also i saw a video on you tube by Charles Linden regarding symptoms and why it happens and it reassured me alot!

i also noticed that the less anxious i was the less i tingled which confirmed it in my head for me (which was very hard).

I find that excercise helps with this symptom alot so that might be worth a try :) x

05-10-09, 09:59
hi there yes ive had pins and needles in the tips of my fingers for a few days and get random pins and needles in my feet. I think alot of it is to do with being anxious about feelings in your body..my friends (whom dont have anxiety problems) get this feeling from time to time in their hands and feet but because the way we worry about everything we are more sensitized to everything...im sure you are fine try not to worry xx