View Full Version : Ct head scan came bk normal

anx mum
05-10-09, 20:54
Really dont understand been gettin bad heads for about 2 months now mainly on the left side. The pain is constant bit is worse at times my doc is saying its muscular went today to docs too get my results she said my ct scan was normal she was offish with me thought docs r suppose 2 b understanding?

05-10-09, 21:10
great news however anxmum thats its just a headache and nothing worse.
how you feeling though?

06-10-09, 09:24
Hi hun

Now that 2 of these scans have come back clear i hope u can put yr mind at rest. I am sure the headaches will go when u stop worrying u have something bad wrong with u.

As for that dr of yours, change to a different one hun, she doesnt sound that supportive

love mandie xx

06-10-09, 09:57
glad it came back ok bev hopefully they will ease up a bit now yuo know its nothing serious always about if you wanna chat

06-10-09, 12:32
That's great news! I've got to go and have one on Friday, not because I've been getting headaches but double vision.

06-10-09, 13:17
im glad they have came back fine.

a few years ago when my anxiety was really high i had headaches for months and a time was horriable i used to think all sorts where wrong with me and of course it makes u panic.

then i learned to try and forget about the headaches and contatate on something else and it eventally worked and now one thing i dont get anymore is headaches i havent had one in years.

i hope u get better soon.

anx mum
06-10-09, 15:11
thank u for your reply. Were ur headaches constant how long did they last?

06-10-09, 20:21
non stop all day and night even woke up with them has horriable they lasted for ages a good few months

they will go away when u relax and stop thinking about them if u know what i mean.

anx mum
06-10-09, 20:25
Really dont get this just been 2 work only 2 hrs my head was so sore feel so scared dont understand how ct can b clear when i feel so bad

07-10-09, 21:30
Glad to hear your scan was fine :-) hope you feel better soon x

anx mum
07-10-09, 21:37
thank u for ur replys glad its come bk normal now im thinking what on earth is the pain im getting so confused x

07-10-09, 21:57
Hi Bev

So glad the ct back back ok. This tension plays up on so many and/or all parts of our body! I remember my mum suffering with headaches so bad, she used to try everything to get rid of them, she looked in such pain, she used to put a hankerchief in vinegar and put it on her forehead. They did go away, she was sure she had a brain tumour, but it was tension all the time. Just telling you to try and reassure you.

I hope they go away and soon, take care.

anx mum
07-10-09, 22:11
Thanks hun how u doing lately? Any better?

sarah jayne
11-10-09, 09:33
Hi, i went to the pain clinic yesterday and finally found out whats been causing my headache. Theres a nerve at the top of my neck, bottom of my head which is causing it, theres a name for it but i cant remember it ! Ive got to start some new medication as soon as my stomachs better ( ive still got the bug) and i might also be having it injected. The tablets are called pregabelin. They also found another condition i have, for 2 years ive suffered with pains in my chest and my doctor has always said that its my anxiety or referred pain from my neck, ive always known that wasnt true. Ive got nerve damage and inflamation in my chest wall ( i cant remember the correct name for it) and ive got to have some injections in it in 2 weeks and ive also got to wear a pad which numbs the area for 12 hours a day. Im so glad that i got a second opinion. I hope your feeling better.
Sarah xxx