View Full Version : anxiety symptoms day after alcohol

april tones
31-10-05, 21:57
hi, i know alcohol can make you anxious blah blah but does any one else feel really funny day after? i dont drink much as have young son and dont go out too much. when i do i feel anxious, breathless, tight chested and shaky next day. not sure if its my fibromylagia or alcohol making me anxious. thanks xx


31-10-05, 22:06
alcohol and panic-do they mix? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2409)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4783)
Anxiety and alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5142)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5347)
hangovers (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5825)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-11-05, 18:48

I do know what you mean. I used to be able to drink a lot and the next day I'd always suffer from regret and embarrassment, even if I hadn't misbehaved or made a fool out of myself I'd rue the amount of money that I'd spent. Now, if I drink any more than four it's a heavy session. Even after a couple of drinks I feel quite depressed and anxious the next day. I know that alcohol is a depressant, but it's ridiculous that just two or three pints can have that effect on me.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

12-02-09, 20:13
I use to binge drink,mainly to find escape from my Anxiety/depression,feels good at the time but then i'd spend most of the weekend on the settee or in bed really suffering,not just from hangover but really bad Anxiety attacks and gulty feelings.
Now i just have acouple of glasses of wine x

13-02-09, 09:03

Alcohol and anx just don't mix well at all. I stoppped drinking six years ago and don't touch it at all. And I am amazed at the difference it has made to my life. I now have far less anxiety and wouldn't even drink it now if you paid me.

I know everyones different, but it really affected me badly. I would drink to self medicate as I thought it gave me more confidence. When I had to go to a family party or whatever I would have a good drink before hand. Until the penny finally dropped and I realised that it was making me worse. The next day I would feel terrible, not just from a hangover but with anxiety and I finally decided enough was enough. And boy what a difference it made to my life!!!!

13-02-09, 11:02
My anxiety is always worse the day after a heavy session. That doesn't stop me getting p1ssed on a suitable occasion (wedding etc), but I never make any plans for the day after as I know I might be a mental wreck. Its been a bit better recently, I find that a vitamin C tablet and a couple of pints of water before bed helps the subsequent day's anxiety no end - not sure why though.

13-02-09, 11:03
I do find however that if I am in an anxious state a couple of glasses of wine (red) helps an awful lot. I know you shouldn't drink to relax but if its infrequently and not to excess I think its probably ok.