View Full Version : visual migraine again...help

06-10-09, 00:15
I seem to be getting these a lot at the moment,at least one a month, my eyes are fine and i saw the doctor a few months back about these and he did a few balance and reflex tests that he said were fine. Anyway i googled to fing out about treating them and i stumbled across the causes, one of them being a blood clot, now im freaking out thinking i may have this or some kind of tumour any advice would be good, do you think i should go back and see him again xx

06-10-09, 08:17
If your talking about the visual disturbance (flashing lights, etc) I've had this for over 30 odd years. There is never been a reason, some people can have a reaction to certain foods that can set them off or even getting stressed can. However I can sometimes go over a year and not get one and then just recently I got about 3 or 4 in a two week period. So suffering with HA could set them off if you get stressed but if it has only started recently and you've suffered with HA for some time I don't think you should worry to much.

06-10-09, 08:23
You've had them months and got checked out so you shouldn't worry. THOUSANDS, maybe millions, of people get them that often or more. It could be stress of foods, when you get them write down the foods you've eaten within a couple days. I've had them 3 times and 2 of the times I was eating strawberries+sponge cake+whip cream, so I think they might be a trigger for me.

07-10-09, 21:29
The first time I got this I was in college taking a final exam. I was petrified as the silver zigzags started in the corner of my eye and took over. I couldn't see what I was writing and thought I was going blind! Well, it's 40 years later and I am fine. They come when I am extremely stressed and I haven't had one in many years now. Even when I did, they would come every few years. I would wait it out, 20 minutes of spots, then 20 minutes later I could see normally again. I could not cross the street alone so would just stand and wait until it got better. I don't always get the headache after, fortunately.

There has never been anything wrong with my eyes or head. Just stress induced and some food, like the other poster said. For me, stress. Now if I get one, I just enjoy the light show. It's kind of like a kaleidoscope, a really interesting thing to watch if you're not freaked out by it (I'm not, not after 40 years of this). They say that the person who wrote Alice In Wonderland was inspired by these light shows himself. AND they say people who get these are usually smart, keen minded people! Don't worry, these are so common.

08-10-09, 08:51
I get visual disturbances just before a migraine, I can also get a strange sensation in my arm...as if its not miine. Other symptoms include, weird taste in mouth, sounds around me seem amplified and just a feeling of being not here. Once the zig, zags subside the headache takes over and Im then feeling better apart from the thumping behind my eyes, which I can cope with its all the other stuff that freaks me out! Mine seem to be hormone related, could yours perhaps?
Best wishes and take care,
Carol x

08-10-09, 11:43
Thanks for the replies, I can relate to what everyone is saying,i'm not sure though what my triggers are and i do tend to get a weird sensation in my head like almost a pulsating feeling, I have got an appointment on with the doc for next week so i'll see what he says its just cause i've been taking them more regularly at the moment that has scared me a bit , but I am determined to keep calm :wacko: