View Full Version : I.B.S or Colitis ??

Desprate Dan
06-10-09, 04:57
Sorry to bother you all, but i need a bit of reasuring and dont really want to go to the GP, I really thought i had got over this Health Anxiety but something started it all off again last night..

I have had a bad stomache for years probably 10 years or more, my doctor recently said i had IBS, but it was only on the symptoms i had told him and i had no tests done, i dont suffer severe pain or bloating like some others do with IBS, mine is mostly churning and a bit uncomftable at times with changeing bowl motions, mostly loose the majority of the time and a feeling like when i go to the toilet i havent really finished...

Someone i know had Colitis and had a bag fitted when they were younger, now after feeling really tired all the time recently they went to the GP for tests and its Cancer and it has spread to other parts of the body, and he is to weak for treatment so they are just going to make him as comftable as posible....I feel so upset for him.:weep:

How does the doctor know if i havent got Colitis by just the infomation i gave him, i really believed i had this cracked, i believed i had IBS now this happening as made me think again....
Would i know if i had Colitis and what are the symptoms ?? i promised myself i wouldnt Google it as that makes it worse..

Desprate Dan,

sarah jayne
06-10-09, 08:48
Hi, colitis is awful but it doesnt mean that your going to get cancer. I was in hospital with colitis in july, it was food poisoning which triggered it off. I had never had it before, i'd never even heard of it. It was bad, my bowels were swollen and i was constantly in pain but im fine now, i got better. I think you would know if you had it, my stomach was constantly burning, i couldnt eat anything with the slightest bit of fat in it or any dairy products or i was in agony and i lost a lot of weight. It does sound like you have ibs. Im sorry to here about your friend x

06-10-09, 13:04
it sounds like IBS hun

06-10-09, 13:51
I have IBS. Best thing to do is get a colonoscopy if the doc thinks you should...leave it to him. They put you out and you know nothing. That will show if you have colitis.

06-10-09, 17:00
I suffer with IBS and a lot of what you are describing sound a lot like me ask your docxtor to do a barium annenikma and that will tell you.
Good luck.


06-10-09, 17:47
Hi Dan, sorry about your friend. I've had a mild colitis for around 12 years, and I know when it's active as there is always blood present in my stools. I also have IBS with it, which sounds like what you've got. If in doubt, ask for a referral to a Specialist who may recommend a colonoscopy (they're not too bad). If you have no blood present, try not to worry, (and even if you do have blood, there's lots of other things it could be.) Feel free to meesage me if you want any more info. Andy.

06-10-09, 17:50
I've had what I assume to be IBS for a few years now - bloating, discomfort, the need to go several times a day, slimy BM's etc.
In August, I started to get severe rectal pain, the feeling that I hadn't completely emptied my bowel, diarrhoea and blood.
I had blood tests and stool samples taken - all of which came back normal.
However, the bleeding continued (it's very slight and could be down to piles and a small anal fissure I am suffering from), so I have been referred to a gastroenterologist, probably for a colonoscopy.
In the meantime, I've been put on Citalopram for anxiety - my bowel problems triggered off anxiety that had been simmering for the last 2 years or so.

My feeling is that you are probably suffering from IBS. GP's have a check-list of symptoms which can fairly confidently diagnose IBS without the need for testing. In my case, the bleeding flagged up the need for further investigation (and even now, my GP is still fairly sure it's actually only severe IBS I'm suffering from).

I hope that puts your mind at ease.

People with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's are at slightly higher risk of getting bowel cancer, as I understand it, which may explain your poor friend's situation.

Desprate Dan
06-10-09, 19:12
Thank you all, i am pretty sure that it is I.B.S, just was a little taken back when i heard of my friends situation, he had an operation 40 years ago and had a bag fitted and lived life to the full until now..Thanks for all your kind words.

I have never had any blood in my stool*s i check all the time, its more changeable from normal to slightly loose and bubbly (hate talking about this) but i can change very quickly within a few minutes, i dont really get severe stomach cramps just more churning gurgling stomach i*ve heard of a nervous stomach maybe thats what it is, it just never gets any better nor does it get any worse, so i guess thats just the way my stomach works..

Anyway thanks again for your kind advice..

Take Care

Desprate Dan