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06-10-09, 10:42
Well my names Becky I have 2 beautiful children Leytons 20 months and Lola's 6 months I have suffered on and off with anxiety and panic attacks since I was 15 I'm now nearly 21 and its got a hell of a lot worse after my second baby I got PND and was put on sertraline 50mg that was great for the PND but not my anxiety with it I wont go anywhere alone with my kids I make plans and then cancel at the last min its so annoying I feel really sorry for them only going out a couple of afternoons in the week when my nans with me or at the weekend when my fiance is with me I finally managed to get my backside to the doctors and he has now put me on 20mg citalopram so Iv been taking this 4 days now so hoping to feel less anxious in a few weeks.

06-10-09, 10:50
Hi LeytonandLolasmummy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.