View Full Version : Anyone had successful headache treatment with Anti D's?

06-10-09, 11:57
Hi Guys,

I am a GAD sufferer and have also developed tension headaches. The squuezing band feeling around my head whuch lasts all day and is really wearing me down. I've been put onto a trycliclic Dosulepin and to be fair noticed a reduction in my morning anxiety - which would lead to full blown panic attacks almost immediately. I am also on them as Tricyclics are suppossed to be great for people who don't have anxiety yet suffer from tension headahces. Has anybody here found their medication helped with their headaches. Doctor has said it could take a few weeks till I see improvement. I am also worried as most people seem to be given amitryptaline for headaches and wondered if I should have been given that?



06-10-09, 12:21
Hi There

Propranolol can help with tension headaches, the dr gave them to me and they did reduce them but didn't take them right off.
Sorry can't be of more help.

06-10-09, 12:35
I found that Toradol (ketalorac) is brilliant for tension headaches unfortunately it is hard to get prescribed by the Dr's for some unknown reason.

06-10-09, 12:38
I have tried volterol and it does nothing so stopped taking it. I assume once the anti anxiety affects of the medication kick in, combined the physio I am doing my neck will start to ease off and reduce the band sensation?

07-10-09, 16:57
Hi again,

Has anybody taken amitriptaline with tension headaches? They are from the same family so would be nice to hear of some success stories. My prblem is I want everything yesterday and only being on the tabs 6 days is not going to see any improvement yet. I know I have a good 3-6 weeks before I see a change in my tension pain. It is a constant squeezing pain, temples and back of head :(