View Full Version : Lump in abdomen? Worried (Long Post)

06-10-09, 12:03
This is my first post here despite having read others for a while. Here's my problem and brief history 2/3 months ago I was having chest pains and because my dad had a bypass in his late 50's (Im 34) I jumped to the natrual conclusion I had heart problems which is what set my HA off that before I had no problems with I just went about my business. I did have a panic attack last November that put me in the A&E but after all checks was cleared as I have been twice in the last 2 months.

I went to the doctor 3 weeks ago and broke down as I knew most of my problems were mental and was put on Lexapo 5mg after 2 days in the middle of a Jimmy Carr show felt a hot burning sensation across my chest that set me into a wild panic that I was about to drop (my wife even said I gave her my 'Im about to die face' the panic had gotten so bad but after more tests, bloodwork, x-rays was cleared again which along with my medication I finally seemed to be getting better for a whole week, appetite was back, no nausea my mind was clear and here is where it kicked off again.

My initial 2 week course of Lexapro finished and my doctor recommeded I up the dosage to 10mg which is the standard and I resisted on the basis that I had felt ok for a week and was worried about side effects and coming off them.

Last week brushing my teeth at night, the same day I spoke to my doctor, I was just sort of scratching my tummy near my belly button and felt what I thought was a small lump which set me off, instantly after a week of bliss my first thought was, I have cancer Im going to die. My body was panicing but my medication refused to let it get as bad as before but I was awake all night with worry. The next morning I poked and prodded some more to the point where it got sore and then that night began poking and prodding the other side of my tummy looking for an identical lump to ease my mind while still poking and prodding at the original site until both were sore.

Then in my wisdom I began poking all over my abdomen for lumps until I found one and repeated the process on both sides until both sides became sore looking for an identical spot to ease my mind. If I suck in my tummy (Im a bit overweight) and tighten my stomach I can kinda feel similar lumps in both sides and seems to be a muscle though the area Im sure is one that would have been seen in my x-rays that were done on my chest.

Due to all the poking and prodding I can feel them all the time therefore think about them all the time and just dont know what to do.

06-10-09, 14:20

I feel your pain as I am worried about a (much larger) abdominal lump right now. But, you know, if there is another one on the other side, it must be normal... cancer doesn't grow symmetrically on both sides.

Amu xxxx

06-10-09, 15:32

Abdominal lumps can be simple hernia's. They are very common, especially also in children. Your doctor can actually tell you if it is a hernia and can refer you to hospital to have it treated. I've lived with an umbilical hernia for 5 years because the surgeon says it wasn't worth the risk of an anaesthetic to fix it as it's so small. It did cause pain originally but I don't even remember I've got it now half the time!! So try not to worry - go to your g.p. and let them have a prod!

06-10-09, 16:00
I was really worried about a lump I found in my abdomen about 15 years ago. I was sure I was dying of some terminal illness. It turned out to be nothing. The lump is still there after all this time. Try not to worry. When you have HA everything freaks you out. This time last year I was almost hysterical about a swollen lymph node that turned out to be nothing. If it's really bothering you get it checked out, I'm positive it'll turn out to be nothing.

06-10-09, 16:17
Thanks guys.

My wife says just dont think about it and its hard to explain that unless I keep myself occupied every waking second my mind will wander straight back to it the second I feel anything in my abdomen.