View Full Version : Where did i lose it all..??

06-10-09, 18:14
Hi everyone, I am a newbie on here and just needed to chat, (cant keep pouring out to my best friend - think she thinks i am going mad)
5 months ago i lost my mum, unexpectedly and since then i have been suffering from panic attacks, i am 36 and a single mum to 2 wonderful kids 16 & 15. trouble is i feel i am letting them down and making myself ill with all the worry, it did settle down but is now back with avengence, I have been told by my gp i am suffering with GAD and have been given sertraline 50mg a day to take (day 7 - got to up to 100mg tomoz)...I am fed up with the 1st thought in the morning being if i have a pain in my chest or not, and then last thing at night when i am on my own, I am fed up with feeling sick and not eating.. i have lost 3 stone since my mum left us and do actually need to lose a bit more as i am overweight. I just feel i have lost all control, all i seem to do is moan about one thing or another and that is driving me mad! I am so scared that i am losing the plot. Is this it for me now live and accept my condition?
I am sorry for dragging this on, and thank you for listening, seems it doesnt matter how much you talk to friends/family dont think they actually understand.

06-10-09, 18:32

First of all I don*t think you lost it all!! The fact is that you lost your mum and it is very early days for you. You will still only going through the early grieving process so it*s no wonder you feel like you do. When my friend lost her mum she also started taking panic attacks and had to go on medication. It*s a huge loss in your life the loss of your mother and I can*t begin to imagine how you are feeling. You*re not letting your kids down you are only going through what any of us would so please don*t beat yourself up about that. Let your doctor help you through this, talk to family and friends and I*m sure through time you*ll start to feel better. Look after yourself as well as you need some t.l.c. at this time. There*ll be people on here that have been through the same as you and will offer you support as well.

Take care

06-10-09, 18:36
thank you soo much for your message really appreciate someone writing to me that has read and replied because they want too and not have to coz they are family and friends and have too.
you too take care
mel x

07-10-09, 13:00
hi, i too am new on here, im so sorry for the sad loss of your mum, i too lost my mum, it was very sudden and unexpected, i was 24 at the time and she was the only family i had, it has now been 14 years since her death and although time is a great healer, it is sometimes still very painful. i too suffered all the symptoms you have described and to be honest have suffered terrible anxiety and panic attacks ever since, i unfortunately turned to alcohol to try to numb both the emotional pain of mum's death and also to ease the anxiety, it really hasnt helped and actually made my anxiety worse, i have recently found a brilliant doctor, one that i did'nt feel guilty pouring my heart out to, he has recently prescribed propranolol and im am finding it is working well on my anxiety, although it will never take away the pain of losing mum, i am now finding things a little easier to cope with. my thought are with you and you are never alone, love and best wishes to you xxx

07-10-09, 13:03
sorry mel, i think my message has come up in the wrong place, i'll get used to this soon i hope x