View Full Version : eyebrow/head, funny sensation!

06-10-09, 18:17
Hi all,
I*m in abit of a panic again with my head!! I had some weird sensations in my head a few days ago, they have gone now and was feeling ok again.
But an hour ago i started to feel abit sick, and now i have a strange feeling in my right eyebrow, hard to explain because its not a headache, but feels it could be?? And it feels abit like a bruise does when u press it.
Why this is bothering me so much i don*t know but it is, the sickness is quite prominent now, so maybe coming down with something, but the eyebrow/head thing is worrying me!!?? Could it be a sign of something nasty?? Is it just anxiety playing with me?? or am i coming down with something??
Just need a few kind words i think, feeling lonely with all this now. Thank you for reading.

Debs xx

06-10-09, 18:42

Do you suffer from migraine? This could be why your head feels sore and you feel sick. I really don*t think it is anything serious to worry about. Probably a mild painkiller would help. Hope you feel better soon.

06-10-09, 20:22
Yes migraines as terrible but there are treatments available for them now and when taken they can "nip them in the bud" before they get worse. If this is what you have I'd take something for it and most of all try and relax.
Take care

06-10-09, 21:15
Thank you for replying!! The sickness has gone now, but my eyebrow still feels tender. I do suffer headaches, but never had a migraine. So can you get migraines that actually dont feel like a headache?? (sorry if thats a silly question!!)
Thanks again.

Debs xx

06-10-09, 22:14
I had a tender patch under my sideburn - I was convinced it was something horrid. A few days later turned out to be a spot. I think when you are at your worst with anxiety the mind thinks of the worst and its very hard to convince yourself it isn't. You may have lay on something.