View Full Version : Pelvic pain and worries

06-10-09, 19:13

I am trying desperately to reason with myself but failing miserably at trying to rationalise.

For a few months now I have noticed that I have been having more discharge than normal. Its white, often think and stringy and definitely NOT smelly or offensive. I put it down to ovulation as it was always at its heaviest halfway through my cycle. More recently, I have been aware of it earlier into my cycle and some days it feels hot (sorry - I know that this is not a pleasant topic)

For the last week, I have had a discomfort and aching pain in my pelvic area. It is quite far down, it fact, it sits around my scar from my c sections (I had one 8 years ago and one 5 years ago) The pain sometimes feels as though it is sitting right in my groin and leg area but never higher than my scar. (My urine seems normal, not cloudy, not burning and nothing unusual)

I think this pain is too low down for ovarian issues, but I am starting to worry it might be cervical.

I sufferered with abnormal smear results for quite sometime and ended up having cold coagulation treatment to resolve it. I was never given a CIN grade as it did not even meet the criteria for grade 1 and I have been regularly screened since. I have now been put onto a 3 year screening and my last smear was 2 years ago. I don*t have any abnormal bleeding or spotting (and I used to spot after intercourse prior to my treatment) but I am so frightened that there is something seriously wrong with me. I am going to make an appointment with my GP but was hoping that someone out there may be able to help calm my nerves....

HA are simply the worst thing ever. They chew you up and make you feel so desperately low.

06-10-09, 20:56
And just to add to my anxiety, no one can offer any words of wisdom.......

06-10-09, 21:39
Hi Srge

Im sorry that i cant offer you any words of wisdom on this, but wanted to give you a hug:hugs:, and after reading your post, you have described it all logically, and rationally , and you have also came to a conclusion... that you are going to make an appointment with your Gp.
You have been sensible and had your smear tests regularly, had treatment were apprioprate, and you have concerns now, so you are just checking it out. the chances are ,everything is ok, but best to put your mind at ease. sorry i cant be of any more help. maybe someone else will be able to.

Take care

P x

08-11-09, 15:09
hi sorry this response is quite late, i've not been on here for a while, I hope tat you have this sorted by now, I suufer from the same problem pain in my lower pelvis and I also get lower back ache, it has happened a couple of times now and each time I convince myself it's cancer, spend days and nights scared stiff, HA really sucks, and each time it turns out that it is just a simple infection, i am sure this is all yours is, pop to your gp and get it sorted, hope this helps xxx